Obscenely high stock market — massive levels unemployment — Elites stealing our lives

© 2020 Peter Free


09 May 2020



The Great American Plutocracy is literally sucking . . .


. . . the last dregs of the Public's economic blood.


If you have been looking for a convenient visual indicator of how parasitically leech-like American Elites are, take a look at where the stock market is today.


Compare its astonishing height to the historically extreme amount of unemployment — and going-out-of-business disasters — that we 'ordinary' Americans are experiencing, during this COVID-19 pandemic.



In spite of this disastrous plunge in the Public's well-being . . .


. . . the Elite-owned stock market is doing just great.


With Government aid, it has completely decoupled itself from any sane person's idea of economic justice.


Wealthy investors are actively playing capital-gobbling games at everyone else's expense.


They are using the conceptual equivalent of prop-up (bail-out) money that the US Federal Reserve is (in essence) printing exclusively for them, as a matter of American Government policy.


A more extreme example of the antisocial evil of Financial Capitalism would be impossible to find.



The Pretend Economic World is cannibalizing the Real One


The best visual overview of this pillaging phenomenon comes from Dr. Chris Martenson at Peak Prosperity.


Begin watching his video explanation at the 20:30 minute mark:



Peak Prosperity, Coronavirus: The "Rescue" Is Stealing Your Wealth, YouTube (08 May 2020) (see economic discussion, beginning at 20:30)




A gargantuan robbery — courtesy of Fat Cats — working in cahoots with bribed Government


Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and his crew of Plutocrat behind-lickers are printing money to prop the stock market up.


Their sole motivation is to Save the Rich from the nonproductive gambling games that they have been indulging (at our expense) for decades.



If you think that 2008's recession was bad . . .


. . . just wait to see what the coming one is going to cost you and your kids.


We will lose much of our (and their) comparatively pitiful resources.


On top of that, the Public will be paying the astronomical debt that goes into this Elites-driven money-grubbing falsification of the 'true' nature of Real Economy.


Worst, Fat Cats will walk away — as always — even more incomprehensibly rich than they already are.



Historical perspective


This is, very probably, the single most massive, forced transfer of wealth from the 99 Percent to the 1 Percent that has ever taken place in the United States.


And not one of you voted in favor of it.



If the Government-sponsored enslavement of our families' futures is not enough . . .


. . . to motivate us to parade our Second Amendment Arms to rectify the situation, I cannot conceive of what might be.


The Leech People, and their paid-for Government Stooges, are literally raping us and our descendants' futures to death.


We will have resigned ourselves to enslavement and serfdom, if we do not act to reverse their looting ways.



The moral? — It is time to roll metaphorical guillotines into the streets


This does not need to be violent.


But that said — for a dose of potential reality — recall Thomas Jefferson's dictum:



The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants.


Thomas Jefferson, letter to William Stephens Smith, November 13, 1787, The Papers of Thomas Jefferson, Julian P. Boyd (editor), volume 12, page 356 (1955) (see http://www.bartleby.com/73/1065.html)



Wake up.