Having foreseeably deindustrialized itself by placidly leaving Oligarchy's 'reset' ideologues in charge — Europe has back-watered itself

© 2022 Peter Free


05 October 2022



What follows . . .


. . . I do not explain with contextual references.


If its brevity is incomprehensible — that is because 'you' are either:



lazily not paying attention to anything important




already a deservedly gobbled-to-be muttonhead.



For example — contemptible wimps?


The United States blows both Nordstreams up and affected Europeans — especially Germans — sit still for that?



The moral? — A better definition of 'dullard sheep' . . .


. . . one will not find.


In fairness to western Europeans, propaganda-chained Americans are not far behind.


Note that history has a way of lurching energetic peoples' way.


Prepare to be stomped. Directly or indirectly. East and South are rising.


Meanwhile, Corporate Capitalism squabbles over rights to feeding on our putrid Western carcass.


Propaganda-driven mindlessness is not our survival friend.