Hail Biden's totalitarian state — National Guard to stay in DC "indefinitely" — for no good reason

© 2021 Peter Free


27 January 2021



Clean your Second Amendment weapons, my fellow Ahmuhrikans


Using the Capitol Police department's failure to prepare for a torrent of ahead-of-time warnings regarding the 06 January 2021 riot — the Biden Administration has brought in the National Guard to do what non-lazy, non-stupid cops ordinarily do with ease:



The Pentagon has approved a plan that would keep some 5,000 National Guard troops in Washington for several months at the request of federal law enforcement agencies concerned about the potential for violence in the national capital.


Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin has approved a plan to retain 7,000 National Guard soldiers and airmen in Washington through March 12 and then 5,000 indefinitely beyond that date, Army and National Guard officials said Monday.


 Army Maj. Gen. William Walker, the D.C. National Guard commander, declined to provide specifics about the potential threat . . . .


© 2021 Corey Dickstein, 5,000 National Guard troops will remain in DC beyond mid-March, Stars and Stripes (25 January 2021)





It is not enough to send American troops all over the planet to extract other people's humble wealth and vital blood.


Now, we're doing the same in our own country.


And keeping the reasons why, secret.


Because that's what Government does. When it cannot factually justify something under democratic principles — it lies or says nothing.



Surveillance drones (no doubt) on site


Hellfire missiles and kangaroo courts soon to follow.


Corral the masses for Grand Plutocracy's good.


Make way for expanded gulags.


Kill, kill, kill for Freedom.



If you don't think that . . .


. . . this blazingly unjustified National Guard deployment is immensely dangerous precedent — you're a sheep-brained idiot.


No disrespect intended, of course. Sheep have their place. Just not prominently, in a living democracy.


Substituting military forces for civilian policing takes the domestic militarization of the United States a step further than arming our already overzealous cops with left-over "shit" from Iraq and Afghanistan.


That SS-like behavior occurring, just so that they can scare themselves — and the public — in holy maintenance of the "accept-no-guff" Oligarchy.



The moral? — We Rabble Folk really need to wake up


American Stalin is coming.


Whose first name, incidentally, was also Joe.




Or a subtle warning from the Great Beyond?


And you thought Toddling Donny was dangerous.


Beware Joe and Kamala's Woke Fascists.


They're out to chain us.