Giving up on COVID, sneaking in a Constitution-shredder, and zeroing economic relief — the happy state of American Governance

© 2020 Peter Free


28 October 2020



Should the following three news bits — set the stage for something?


First, the Trump Administration happily announced, in virtually the same breath, that:



SARS-CoV-2 is being allowed to run killingly rampant


but, at the same time


this outcome constitutes "ending the COVID-19 pandemic".



The dissonance between those two incompatible ideas seems not to have occurred to our nation's gamboling Republican Klan.


Second, judicial extremist Justice Amy Coney Barrett managed to get her First Amendment-forgetting-self rammed through Republican Senate confirmation.


While, thirdEvil Turtleman's same Senate went home on recess, thereby scuttling a potential agreement regarding the arguably more diligent House of Representatives' pandemic relief bill.



Thus, leaving millions of Americans to wonder what the they are going to do for money after uncontrolled COVID — had, has or will have — robbed them off their jobs and businesses.



I suppose that the totality of these three Republican "accomplishments" pass as political and societal success in our allegedly astute capital city.



The moral? — American governance isn't


At least not in any Social Contract sense.


Instead, US politics are exclusively about who gets to rob whom. With the unrich always being the targets. Throw in a "little" COVID harm, and you've qot a nice stew.


This state of stewed affairs leads one to wonder whether Government's intentional and repeated pot-bubbling of the 99 percent will eventually produce a self-defensive reply.