Foreseeing and preparing for the obvious should be Government's main purpose — in the US, we do the reverse — apparently by reflex

© 2020 Peter Free


17 July 2020



This dead horse don't ride no more


Have you noticed that we are about 9 months into the COVID pandemic — and the United States is still battling over exactly the same idiotically unnuanced mask and lockdown measures?


We haven't moved a centimeter.


Nothing has been done to investigate anything epidemiologically pertinent.


Science and policy nuance never showed up.



For instance, these considerations


Lockdown always had the foreseeable drawback of cooping people up into intimate spaces that are sure to spread SARS-CoV-2 among family members. And then to the outside.


Cooping people at home also had the certain effect of squashing the nation's small business and labor economies.


First, masks were bad. Then they were good.


Now, they're just symbols of competing partisan tribes.


Indicatively, Government swooped in again to close businesses amid renewed COVID expansion. But without bothering to gather any evidence that the businesses being closed — had been mechanisms generating that spread.


Lost in Vacuity's Shuffle was the possibility that demonstrations, protests and riots all over the country might have contributed to COVID's recent surge.


Also overlooked, was the fact the millions of Bright Bulb Americans had dashed to extraordinarily crowded outdoor environments, during the previous economic reopenings. Apparently, for the sole purpose of closely rubbing skins and expelled lung contents together.


How epidemiologically titillating.



Even more illuminating, our K-12 school situation


Professor Richard Wolff pointed to the bovine stupidity underlying America's open-the-schools controversy.


No one has:



prepared the physical nature of schools for distancing and proper air filtration


trained school staffs for COVID testing and self-protection


manufactured enough tests to accomplish reliable coronavirus detection




hired, trained and equipped additional personnel for distance education




provided poor families with the electronic means for this distance education.



Government has, in short . . .


. . .  been sitting around with its thumbs up its (often voluminously paid) behinds for 9 months.


The enormity of American cluelessness and inaction would boggle even a banana-reaching monkey's mind.



Meanwhile . . .


Our always propagandizing media lamestream is occupying itself with:



Deep State-generated rumors




Russian "Fancy and Cozy Bears"


are computer hack-stealing


US coronavirus vaccine development data.



The moral? — Dumb-shits by choice?


One wonders.


Let's do a flyover to reassure ourselves.


Perhaps the flyover aircraft can drop us masks (from China) and tickets to Disney World.