Foolish Sandernistas — wandering aimlessly in a wilderness of their own making

© 2020 Peter Free


15 May 2020



Bernie's 'progressives' want to change the world — but don't have a plan


From Politico:



Thousands of [Bernie Sanders'] former volunteers publicly warned him that their organizing networks are on the verge of falling apart since he dropped out of the presidential race five weeks ago.


Ex-aides fear that the precious data they collected on his supporters, which could be used to elect progressive candidates and oust President Donald Trump, is going to waste.


Even Our Revolution, the group started by Sanders in 2016, lacks access to his new email list that made him the best Democratic fundraiser this year.


Many of Sanders’ allies were demoralized by what they saw as Our Revolution failing to live up to its potential after his first presidential run.


Now, in the wake of a second unsuccessful campaign, some fear they’re witnessing a repeat of the 2016 wreck unfold in real time.


© 2020 Holly Otterbein, Bernie world descends into disarray, Politico (15 May 2020)





Democratic Party 2020 presidential nomination candidate —Senator Sanders — supposedly collected a bunch of disparately thinking, allegedly 'Leftist' groups.


Now without him, they drown in their own lack of principle, determination, acumen and planning.



It is a pathetically unimpressive rebellion . . .


. . . that depends upon such a very obviously flawed, Imperium-loving candidate — to make the changes that his political base cannot themselves persuasively articulate or solidly cohere around.



The moral? — No wonder that the Great American Plutocracy continues . . .


. . . in its humanity-repressing ways.


From Sandernistas' inaction and inability to formulate coherent principle, we can safely conclude that they are impotent whiners.


Recent decades of American Leftism have been consistently pansy-assed.