Increasingly foggy Joe Biden — is likely to become 2020's Democratic presidential candidate — How cruel is that?

© 2020 Peter Free


04 March 2020



The rig is in?


Did you notice that almost all the remaining Democratic presidential candidates caved in, ended their own candidacies, and supported Joe Biden — just before or during Super Tuesday?





You will also have noticed that the former Vice President has more and more trouble staying on topic, putting words together into coherent thoughts, and generally acting as if he knows what's going on.


This has been sad.



Is the constantly scheming Democratic National Committee . . .


. . . really going to throw Joe Biden and country to the wolves?


From a patient-oriented medical perspective — which includes the principles of "do no harm" and compassion — I am appalled.


Even before Super Tuesday, Caitlin Johnstone reliably put this situation into perspective:



Not that Biden would be an acceptable leader of the most powerful government on earth even with a working brain; he’s a horrible war hawk with an inexcusable track record of advancing right-wing policies.


But even rank-and-file Americans who don’t pay attention to that stuff would plainly see a man on the debate stage opposite Trump who shouldn’t be permitted near a pair of scissors, much less the nuclear codes.


And Trump will happily point that out.


It’s been obvious since 2016 that the Dems were going to once again sabotage the only candidate with a chance of beating Trump in favor of a scandalously inappropriate candidate[.]


[W]heeling out an actual, literal dementia patient for the role is something not even I would have imagined.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, Dems Converge Around Dementia-Addled Warmonger Ahead of Super Tuesday, (03 March 2020)



The moral? — The personal cruelty, strategic recklessness and nihilistic cynicism . . .


. . . of this DNC-concocted situation is beyond Decency's understanding.


The Democratic Establishment should be metaphorically executed for the crimes of torture and quasi-treason.


The lengths that this group of plutocratic powermongers will go to, to hold onto their Oligarchy-accorded societal positions is ethically revolting.


There is not an iota of difference between the Democratic and Republican Party establishments, when it comes to their eagerness to feed soul-destroying Avarice and power-seeking.