The farce that the United States has become — Hillary, Comey and the Trumpster fire

© 2016 Peter Free


01 November 2016





I'm writing this in Germany, where I'm stationed. My perspective may have been altered by temporarily living in a society that apparently respects itself enough not to shred the boat it's in.



In contrast — can our United States get any more ridiculous?


We've got two society-damaging narcissists running for president:



On the feminine side sits warmongering, plutocrat-friendly Hillary Clinton — who has never flirted with an arrogantly self-inflicted wound she didn't like.


And on the Pubescent Boy Bench is Donald Trump — a raging id who has taken over a fascistic fat man's body.



How we contrived this obtusely bad selection out of a population of 325 million people astonishes even my low expectations.



Then — 11 days before the presidential election


In comes FBI Director James Comey (again), sowing his imperiously flamboyant oats with a silly (Hillary's emails) letter to Congress.



Let's set aside the inferred politics of Comey's letter


Why would a law enforcement head knowingly put his thumb on the scales of an election on the grounds that:



(a) Congress needs to know what


(b) he cannot tell them




(c) he doesn't know anything?



Speculation has it that Director Comey wanted to outrun Republican-generated criticism of the Bureau he heads. So, he apparently thought that torpedoing the Body Politic would be a good idea.





If Comey is going to blatantly inject his law enforcement agency into politics on such feeble grounds, what hope can The People have of finding above-the-fray fair mindedness anywhere else in government?


Comey's move smells of the convoluted self-serving that typifies the nation's capital — narcissistic shystering that lacks honesty-based common sense.



The moral? — Should other nations take our pretended "democratic example" seriously?


The United States has turned itself into a back alley carnival fit for a baboon audience.