The escalated American Brainwashing Program begins — courtesy of corporate lackeys at the FCC

© 2017 Peter Free


15 December 2017



Just 5 FCC people got to determine the scope of Americans' access to internet information


Chairman Mao and Stalin would be proud.


King-Kong Trump is happy, too.



Not only are American plutocrats draining our wallets — via their grip on our bribed Government


Now, thanks to 3 corporatist lackeys at the Federal Communications Commission, the Great American Plutocracy is going to be profitably and almost completely controlling our access to information.


Net neutrality is dead.



Consider the implications


Not only will corporations control what you can access. They will also define the expanding scope of your unaware ignorance.


How's that for successful brainwashing?



The moral? — the American system is exclusively structured to benefit wealthy elites


After yesterday, if nothing changes, what you are able to conveniently find out about virtually anything is going to depend upon:



how much money you have




the whims of the corporations you pay it to.



The virtue of the Internet as a societal equalizer is arguably gone.


You can thank one of the United States' many corporations-favoring regulatory agencies for this favor.


The business of America is not business, as President Coolidge once said. It is the societally forced reduction of the American 99 percent into serfdom.