"Energy bar" to "crowbar" — MoA's catch regarding Lamestream's deluded anti-Trump hatred

© 2021 Peter Free


16 January 2021



Is the Capitol riot silliness over yet? — nah


This story, I could not resist. It so perfectly captures the lunacy of modern American times.


Moon of Alabama caught a cartoon-like Lamestream Media error. It revolved around CNN's of inflation of the threat posed by 06 January's US Capitol riot.


An initial version of the CNN story had Democratic Representative Ted Lieu grabbing a "crowbar" — presumably, we are to infer, to fend off murderously-inclined Trump-inspired Congress attackers.


Instead, it turned out that Lieu had grabbed an "energy bar", after being advised to seek cover in the face of the Capitol mob's onslaught.


Thus, we can tentatively credit Representative Lieu with dietary foresight and CNN with typically hysterically inclined anti-Trump bias.



The moral? — A perfect metaphor for the Establishment's — "make 'em scared at all costs" — daily endeavor


Innocent energy snack to skull-bashing crowbar.


How's that for a metaphorically perfect summation of the reigning Plutocracy's propaganda shenanigans?


CNN, of course, meritoriously fixed their error. Some things (I guess) are too challenging, even for them, to believe.


But you never know, maybe all of Congressional offices will soon be equipped with Anti-Mob Crowbars.


And Rabble-beating snacks to go with them.