Do people vote for their enslavement? — Gary Barnett's accurate take

© 2022 Peter Free


08 November 2022



An accurate premise?


After decades of listening to American political campaign advertisements — all of which proceed along the lines that:



X or Y is a horrible person


a tyrant, child molester, or demon from the Pit of Hell


(all of these being metaphorically accurate accusations)


who, as a result of those lamentable character defects . . .


must be election-squashed, dismembered and thoroughly buried


for the heavenly sake of


preserving our pure and glorious


(and completely false)





. . . I agree with Gary D. Barnett's tart assessment of the United States' current societal condition.



Barnett's pertinent quote


Here in synopsizing extracts:



Voting for masters to rule over you is the epitome of consensual enslavement.


It is nothing more than a state coup pretending to allow you to choose which possessed and predetermined contestants will become the next enforcers of the totalitarian agenda of power and control over the people who voluntarily accept each and every surrogate master as legitimate.


If the Republicans win, the Democrats will claim that the Republicans will destroy the country, and if the Democrats win, the Republicans will claim that the Democrats will do the same, and both will be correct, because neither can function in any ruling capacity without destroying the country and its people.


In fact, they work completely together as one, and the outcome is always that the people give up all, while the ruling class only takes.


That is the nature of government, and it is also the nature of rulers and politicians involved in that government.


Voting has occurred in this country for 415 years, and we now live in the least free era of this country’s entire history.


Supporting the state in any of its efforts to claim power is an act of cowardice in the face of tyranny . . . .


© Gary D. Barnett, Another Dictatorial Election: What Have You Done, and Why Are You Still So Blind?, (08 November 2022)





Let's say that Gary Barnett's assessment is true, will his recommendation for not voting change anything?


No. Simply because not enough people would follow his advice.


This lack of societal course reversal is simply a preordained outcome — that is completely attributable to the mass of humanity being constituted of easily fooled and manipulated herd animals.


Thus, insofar as the American System can gather fractionally enough of mind-controlled muttonheads' approval, it will continue to stride tyrannically onward.


In the language of American politics, people who do not vote do not matter. They are — somewhat ironically given Barnett's above-cited perspective — subhuman.


This puts us in the position of concluding that sheep-minds are more elevated than critically thinking ones.


That's a topsy-turvy conclusion completely worthy of the United States' characteristic idiocy.



The moral? — Historically speaking, true societal change . . .


. . . imposed under conditions such as our American ones — only comes from Chairman Mao's "barrel of a gun".


The 'barrel' requirement, in itself, means that one elite-led minority will be substituting itself for another.


Pointing that out, however, is not to suggest that one elite is (of necessity) as reprehensible as another.


Let jackals gather and hope?