Compare Putin's competent ability — with the West's lack of it — Putin's 14 October 2022 Astana press conference

© 2022 Peter Free


16 October 2022



As passengers on the United States' self-sabotaged and sinking ship . . .


. . . watch (in contrast) what one of History's genuinely competent leaders looks like.


Here, answering press questions — without notes or previously crafted sound bites:



Michael Rossi Poli Sci, Vladimir Putin Press Conference - Astana Kazakhstan - October 14, 2022 - English Subtitles, YouTube (15 October 2022)



For a quick sampling . . .


. . . see the video sections entitled:



08:28 - The role of Germany in the Ukraine War and Russia's relations


15:46 - The explosion in Crimea and the consequences of grain exports


29:06 - Russian counterstrikes after the Crimean blast


29:56 - Will NATO send troops to Ukraine?



The moral? — A country led by viciously grasping and immoral dullards . . .


. . . (like ours) will begin to collapse.


In contrast, one led by manifestly competent and historically aware people — like Putin and China's Xi — most probably will grow its strong and societally impressive foundation(s).


We in the West have abandoned ours. You see the result.