Civilizational self-destruction, it's in the wind — Notre-Dame's interior, reportedly, is being re-designed to please non-Christians

© 2021 Peter Free


08 December 2021



We should laugh into buckets of tears


From The American Conservative — regarding the proposed (post-fire) interior renovation of France's Notre-Dame de Paris cathedral — my addition in bracketed italics:



Father Gilles Drouin, an advisor to the archbishop of Paris, was charged with leading the restoration of Notre-Dame’s interior.


His plans, leaked to the Telegraph late last month [— see that paywall article, here —], would give the interior what Willimen had proposed for the exterior: a redesign that sullies the sanctity of Notre-Dame.


According to Fr. Drouin’s plan, confessionals, altars, and statues would be supplemented or replaced by modern-art installations.


New light displays and sound effects would create “emotional spaces” and “discovery trails” for visitors.


Drouin said the changes would make the cathedral more accessible to visitors, “who are not always from a Christian culture.”


© 2021 John Hirschauer, Destroying Notre-Dame, American Conservative (08 December 2021)



So let's see . . .


. . . the Pope is (figuratively) going to change outfits, abandon Catholicism — as well as the Popemobile and a string of catechisms — because some of the world is not Christian?


This civilizational self-obliteration to be undertaken ostensibly to make other people more comfortable with their alleged heathenness?



Isn't the reported Notre-Dame re-design . . .


. . . a reversal of the entire point to having belief and value systems?


As well as a denial of the substantive traditions that they generate?


Should we trash History, bury humanity's limitations and nobly walk into our (self-created) New Dawn by ripping down civilization's architectural reminders?



The moral? — Perhaps — instead of indulging this death of a thousand blood drips . . .


. . . we all should kill ourselves en masse.


That, in a flaming rejection of having identities of any kind. God knows, we don't want to offend.


Even as an oft-accused 'non-Christian' myself, I find societal self-destruction of Fr. Drouin's proposed architectural type not to be in humanity's best interest.


Instead, in its misbegotten place, let us sacrifice nauseatingly mindless Wokies upon an altar of blood.


In fond tribute to Mayan times, of course.


Cathartically cleansing.


Tickets could be sold. Thereby satisfying Mammon's feudally minded god.


Maybe Notre-Dame could install a booth illustrating our celebrational act of Lunatic Wokie Riddance.


"The Day the Deity Raged," it could be called.