Circumstances have a way of demonstrating moral absurdity

© 2016 Peter Free


29 August 2016



How many angels twitter on the head of this pin?


Traditional Catholicism abhors birth control. It interferes with God's will.


So naturally, when Melanie Jones — in pain and bleeding from complications associated with a dislodged intrauterine birth control device (IUD) — came to a physician associated with a Catholic hospital in Chicago, she reportedly refused to help.


Medical assistance under these circumstances would violate the organization's Catholic principles. Evidently, letting someone suffer and possibly die would not. Even though the alleged sinner had killed only (a) the remotely drawn idea of (b) an anonymously potential conception.


Talk about abstractions cavorting atop invisible pins.



The moral? — We tend to submerge ourselves in morality's exaggerated details, rather than in its primary principles


Jesus would be bald and frustrated now — had he lived to endure his flock's self-contradictory practices. Sheep lack insight.