Cancel culture's attack on the First Amendment is spreading — the firing of Norfolk police lieutenant William Kelly

© 2021 Peter Free


23 April 2021



You should be concerned about this . . .


. . . even if you are a dumbass Snowflake:



A police officer in Norfolk, Va., has been fired after donating to a legal defense fund for Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager who shot and killed two Black Lives Matter protesters in Kenosha, Wis., last year, and pledging support for his actions.


Sgt. William Kelly made the $25 anonymous donation to the fund through GiveSendGo, according to The Guardian, which noted that the Christian crowdfunding site suffered a major security breach that exposed the email addresses of people who had made donations to Rittenhouse's fund.


Kelly also reportedly left a message to Rittenhouse with his donation.


“God bless. Thank you for your courage. Keep your head up. You’ve done nothing wrong," Kelly wrote, according to the British newspaper.


"Every rank and file police officer supports you. Don’t be discouraged by actions of the political class of law enforcement leadership.”


Kelly was fired this week, officials said.


"I have reviewed the results of the internal investigation involving Lt. William Kelly," Norfolk City Manager Chip Filer said in a statement, according to Norfolk local news outlet WAVY.


"Chief Larry Boone and I have concluded Lt. Kelly’s actions are in violation of City and departmental policies. His egregious comments erode the trust between the Norfolk Police Department and those they are sworn to serve. The City of Norfolk has a standard of behavior for all employees, and we will hold staff accountable."


© 2021 Dominick Mastrangelo, Norfolk police officer fired after investigation into Kyle Rittenhouse defense fund donation, The Hill (21 April 2021)



Think about this termination of employment . . .


. . . in a manner that reflects the presence of working brain, rather than grease-oozing mutton.


Lieutenant Kelly made a no-name-attached donation to Kyle Rittenhouse's defense account.


He added an encouraging message — with which millions of Americans agree, based upon viewing a combination of videos of showing that serially developing 'incident' — indicating that he thinks that Rittenhouse was defending himself and is not guilty of a crime.


Kelly's speech was (and is) Constitutionally protected. Even if his name had been attached to it.


The (arguably unlawful) absurdity of Norfolk's administrative action is revealed in its termination of someone whose name was illegally revealed by database hackers.


It is clear that Lieutenant Kelly diligently went out of his way to protect the Department against blowback. Therefore, Norfolk's argument that Kelly's speech reflects poorly on the City is beyond ridiculous.


Norfolk is taking the position that anonymously holding perfectly reasonable views is, nevertheless, good reason for Big Brother to squash you. Regardless of how you act, professionally speaking, from day to day on the job.



This is mind control, pure and simple






Norfolk's action is the antithesis of everything that the United States purportedly stands for.



If you really want Hermann Göring's Gestapo . . .


. . . and Heinrich Himmler's SS reincarnated in our times — support Norfolk in this inconceivably idiotic pursuit of Government-mandated Thought Purity.



The moral? — America has already gotten this ridiculously easy question wrong


Grim times are ahead of us.


I predict that people are going to start battling each over Cancel culture's serially attempted dismemberments of our minds.


If such a revolt against Government Brain Control does not take place, it will mean that virtually no one cares about basic American principles any more.


And in that event, the United States' arguably sole worth will have permanently disappeared from History's flow.