Beware moronic twits in charge

© 2022 Peter Free


11 September 2022



Two places, same lesson


Government stupidity does damage.



We have been watching Germany suicide itself . . .


. . . due to the energy supply-deniers, who lead that self-destructively conformist nation.


For Germany's top government dogs, the vacuous dream of an anti-Russian Green Utopia takes precedence over basic survival facts. Even when heating homes and keeping critically important industries running go by the wayside.


This is like throwing the baby out with its bathwater and the whole house.



And now (not for the first time) . . .


California is enthusiastically competing on the same 'pie in the sky' turf:



[T]he same week that California policy makers announced an ambitious plan to shift California's 27-million drivers into electric vehicles or plug-in hybrids, they also announced that Californians who currently own electric vehicles better not charge them for several days because the grid can't handle the load.


Isn't that just so California?


Never mind how odd it is to require electric generators[,] given that people use such generators to provide electricity when the lights go out.


© 2022 Steven Greenhut, California Demands Everyone Drive Electric Vehicles, but Can't Even Keep the Lights on, Reason (09 September 2022)



The moral? — Why do human populations put up with such viciously demented tomfooleries?


After all, we serfs are the targets. We wind up darkly cold or hot, always impoverished — and often enough — dead.


One would think that those easily predictable and unpleasant consequences — would be enough to motivate a corrective number of self-defensively distributed power-strangulations in high places.


Do mind-controlled sheep get what they deserve?


Is it always mutton for dinner?