Another black eye for Democrats — Nashville's bars and restaurants — and the two-Party shroud

© 2020 Peter Free


18 September 2020



When facts do not support America's COVID dictatorships . . .


. . . hiding them seems to be policy.



Fox-Nashville (WZTV) got its hands on some emails



They came from the Democratic-run mayor's office.


The communications essentially indicated that Nashville's bars and restaurants could be linked to only 22 (to 80 or so) individual COVID cases.


Out of the roughly 20,000 in the County.




WZTV Nashville, COVID-19 emails from Nashville mayor's office show disturbing revelation, (16 September 2020)



The Mayor reportedly kept this fact secret


Why give the Public an argument against business-squashing tyranny?



Consider basic economics


Nashville bars and restaurants are still operating under pandemic-mandated restrictions.


From Newsweek:



Like many businesses across the country, bars and restaurants in Nashville were closed as the COVID-19 pandemic took hold in March.


The city is currently in a modified phase two, allowing for a maximum of 25 patrons indoors and 25 outdoors at restaurants and seated-only service at both restaurant and bar counters.


Last month, the Nashville Convention and Visitors Corp. estimated that the city's businesses have lost $2.4 billion so far in visitor spending during the coronavirus pandemic and are reportedly losing $100 million every week, according to the Tennessean.


© 2020 Mili Godio, Nashville Officials Withheld COVID Numbers for Restaurants and Bars Over HIPAA Law Concerns, Mayor's Office Says, Newsweek (17 September 2020)



Burdening We the People


Small business continues to be hammered by COVID restrictions. Despite the lack of evidence (nationwide) that their operations have been responsible for aggravating the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic.


The harshest measures have been predominantly taken by Democratic Party mayors and governors.


Their argument has been that Republicans, including the President, have been ignoring medical science. Imposing draconian "don't do" measures, these Democrats say, is necessary.



Partially cutting their own argument off at its neck, comes Nashville


And almost any other Democratic Party-run place that one wants to look closely at.


Pandemic measures have been almost entirely arbitrary. And often, even obviously unreasonable.


Take, for instance, the idea that businesses should remain closed, but protests and riots are okay. Insofar, of course, as those protests and riots favor "blacks" — but not "whites".



What is remarkable about this whole American COVID thing is . . .


. . . how little science has been done by either side of the politicized pseudo-debate.


Virtually no US entity has been doing any soundly investigative epidemiology.


As a result, the US continues to operate in Ignorance's Fog. As well as amid a continuing shortage of personal protective equipment.



Not only is American Brain flopping in drydock, like a dead fish . . .


Pertinent portions of our manufacturing sector are lollygagging along — not doing much of anything usefully related to ameliorating COVID conditions. Or anything related to fixing any other obviously inconvenient product and supply line shortages.


National security, we can infer, still appears not to include retrieving and/or rebuilding necessary manufacturing capacities.


We can conclude that learning from disasters — even ones that are still vigorously wringing our fool necks — is emphatically not in American Governance's genes.



In short, SARS-CoV-2 has ripped the concealing shroud from . . .


. . . the United States' rotting corpse.


We are like the Shroud of Turin, but without its alleged Holiness and Resurrection elements.



The moral? — American leadership (Democratic or Republican) is not on your side


In November, you can choose either major candidate — and you will still be voting for the Devil.


So, pick your favored version of brain-eating amoebae. The United States has become a battleground between clout-wielding human parasites.


It is metaphorically fitting that American culture's avarice-based soullessness has been most effectively exposed by an influx of brainless virions.


The United States has become a convulsing Parable.