An amusingly accurate description of Senator Joe Manchin — from David Cattanach — and an added observation about appropriate context from David Perez

© 2021 Peter Free


26 April 2021



Y'all know that I love accurate insults . . .


. . . directed at powerful, arguably awful, people.


Consider the following paragraph from David Cattanach. It is aimed at Senator 'Waffle Baby' Joe Manchin (D, WV).


Manchin is man whom the Lamestream loves to ascribe great middle-of-the-road(ish) powers to. But who in truth — legislatively and probably not personally speaking — amounts to no more than a pile of anteater droppings:



From a [R]epublican perspective, Joe Manchin's newly acquired Senate role has made him their most influential right-wing quisling, collaborator, infiltrator, subversive, contriver, conniver, swindler, fraud, flimflam artist, confidence man, trickster, conman, Tartuffe, impersonator, masquerader, imposter, chiseler, poser, counterfeiter, huckster, saboteur, simulator, scammer, deluder, exploiter, double dealer, whited sepulcher, fleecer, machinator, scrote, dissimulator, defrauder, pettifogger, obfuscator, bunco artist, charlatan, bovver boy, quacksalver, schlenter, illywhacker, mountebank, fraudster, vulgarian, keelie, lager lout, tearabout, dingleberry . . . jack of all shitheads, and I’m just getting started here …


© 2021 David Cattanach, Is Joe Manchin a Trojan Horse or Just a Dumb-ass Faux West Virginia Democrat? — Part I, Smirking Chimp (24 April 2021)



In fairness to Senator Manchin . . .


. . . it is preponderantly true that nothing that the Senate, or the House, could dream up is ever going to constitute a great idea for Americans or humanity.


Thus, Joe Manchin's long list of Cattanach-attributed flaws cannot much diminish the Senator, given the putrid occupational context that he operates in.


In fact, this Teflon(ish) quality may be the whole point to serving in the American Congress. A place where one can be undeviatingly petty, meanly selfish, limelight-seeking and incontestably vile — but, nevertheless — get rich and prosper — while insatiably engaging in all of the above.



Meanwhile . . .


. . . the American Ship of State inevitably sinks somewhere down the (not too distant) line.



The moral? — David Perez notes that . . .


. . . controlling context is important:



It seems increasingly the case now that we live under an epidemic of low expectations; a resignation to despair that has narrowed our struggle and sapped our vision of what is possible.


The system we live under so broken, that even good, intelligent people, generous of heart and spirit, are losing the capacity to imagine genuine alternatives to a US Empire mired in endless wars and escalating repression.


It’s to the point where even commonsense issues devolve into a bewildering and complex morass.


What, for instance, could be easier to figure out than nationalized healthcare for all, which exists in one form or another virtually everywhere?


Yet a lot of progressives have been trained to lower their expectations to think this is simply too complicated to do, resulting in a continuous loop of being “realistic and “practical” because, hey, what can we do?


© 2021 David Perez, An Epidemic of Low Expectations, Off-Guardian (25 April 2021)



Thus, Republicans, Democrats and Joe Manchin — along with Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski and similarly inclined Hollow Warblers — survive. Despite their scintillating levels of societal incompetence and sociopathic ooze.


Asking who's to blame might be appropriate.


Kind'a like finally getting the bailing bucket, before the next wave swamps our craft to perish, fathoms deep.