According to the Western press — Biden, Lavrov and Putin

© 2022 Peter Free


14 November 2022



Has it dawned y'all yet . . .


. . . that we are living in an absurdly toxic, allegedly Western civilization?



According to the collective West's press


Biden is a the most agile genius of our age.


Lavrov had to go to a hospital in Indonesia.


And Putin is (of course) dying for the umpteenth time.



For moral perspective's sake . . .


. . . do contemplate the American press's addiction to lies.


Have you noticed that US media still portray Joe Biden, as if he is a functioning president?



No mention of his obviously displayed dementia.


Or of his inability to think, without his puppet strings being vigorously pulled.



And then, consider the West's contrasting penchant for jealously announcing that observably competent leaders in the Hemispheric East are sick, failing and/or about to die.



For example, Russian foreign minister Lavrov's implied bad-health visit to a hospital in Indonesia.


Or the myriad reports, spread out over months, of Vladimir Putin's imminently carrion-like departure from this vale of tears.



Lavrov and Russia kind'a disagreed with the Indonesia story's made-up 'facts'.


And Putin simply keeps plugging along in very evidently energetic and intellectually astute fashion.



And that's just the minor stuff


Anything existentially important — and the West turns it into a 24/7 rampage of serial Big, Bigger and Biggest Lies.



Our Western addiction to burying Truth . . .


. . . combined with our aversion to actually investigating anything societally significant with an Objective Eye — have been enough to drive an intelligently sensible Englishman to eloquently expressed, visually manifested despair:



iEarlGrey, Where the f . . are the Western media? — Rant from Lugansk, YouTube (11 November 2022)



The moral? — When the collective West continually acts like slimy diarrheal effluent . . .


. . . it can and should be flushed from its leadership position.


Our arguably intellectual and moral betters in Russia and China are now — ironically in reaction to the West's incessant stream of strategically unnecessary provocations — in the process of providing History with the cleansing means.


This is what happens when a civilization self-trashes what was once best about it.


Jettison genuine civilization's soul, and what is left is an agglomeration of deadly sins.


Parable arises.


For sure.