According to Bloomberg, Biden is shipping US strategic reserves oil to Europe

© 2022 Peter Free


20 April 2022



Why watch a suicide, when we can join it?


Have you noticed that the European Union — and especially Germany — are literally killing themselves by implementing anti-Russia sanctions that will hurt their economies more than the Federation's?



And now . . .


. . . according to Bloomberg, the US is shipping some of its strategic reserve oil to Europe, evidently so as to hip-join the American people to that mass suicide:



Sheela Tobben and Joe Carroll, Oil from U.S. Strategic Reserve Heads for Europe amid Global Supply Crunch, Bloomberg (18 April 2022)



The moral? — American neocon ideologues are vampires of universal death


Don't y'all think that it is time to get these mouth-foaming, rabies brain-infected vermin out of power?


If not for you, for your children's sakes.