According to America's international Gang of Moralizing Poltroons — Russians are satanically evil

© 2022 Peter Free


03 March 2022



Kind'a like the FBI's entrapment logic?


What I have noticed about the Russo-Ukrainian War is that supposedly smart people just cannot get past pointing (self-righteously accusatory) fingers at Russia and Russians.


Even though we in the West concocted this war.


In supposedly righteous retribution for their nation's aggression, ordinary Russians — and their activities — are being 'cancelled' all over the place.


See here, for example.


This finger-pointing is occurring under circumstances in which what the Federation is doing only palely shadows what the United States has murderously done, repeatedly, before.


Take Vietnam, Yugoslavia, Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Yemen. Just to name a few that are not even in our own Hemisphere.


I conclude that the West, and its propagandized herds of squeakily placid sheep, completely lack self-awareness.


How that lack of objectively functioning mind is going to advance Humanity's Cause is the Devil's best guess.



Consider the following illustrating quote


From journalist Christ Hedges, who is usually more sensible:



The dangerous and sadly predictable provocation of Russia—whose nuclear arsenal places the sword of Damocles above our heads—by expanding NATO was understood by all of us reporting in Eastern Europe in 1989 during the revolutions and the break-up of the Soviet Union.


This provocation, which includes establishing a NATO missile base 100 miles from Russia’s border, was foolish and highly irresponsible. It never made geopolitical sense.


This does not, however, excuse the invasion of Ukraine. Yes, the Russians were baited. But they reacted by pulling the trigger. This is a crime. Their crime.


Let us pray for a ceasefire. Let us work for a return to diplomacy and sanity, a moratorium on arms shipments to Ukraine and the withdrawal of Russian troops from the country.


© 2022 Chris Hedges, War Is the Greatest Evil, ScheerPost (02 March 2022)



Notice that . . .


. . . despite admitting that the US and NATO baited the Russian Federation, Hedges makes no equivalent mention of the American-made and aimed Sword of Nuclear Damocles.


Nor any of the United States' ongoing effort to 'modernize' and make even larger and more deadly its nuclear arsenal.


And nothing at all about the United States' now virtually complete abrogation of arms control treaties.


Nor a peep about its unending interventions and regime change attempts.


None of which were, or are, aimed at (legitimately described) own-borders threats.


Notice, especially, that (implicitly, according to Hedges) self-defense cannot include finally pulling a trigger.


Evidently — again according to Hedges' expressly stated logic — NATO and the United States are free to push their self-selected adversaries into a Drowning Sea at will.



So, tell me Chris . . .


What would you have done in Federation president Putin's shoes?


With adversaries, who refuse to take anything you say, no matter how obviously true, seriously?


Would you wait for nuclear missiles to crawl up to the Federation's border?


And would you continue to wait, while watching what CIA-supported neo-Nazis have been doing (for years) to Russian-heritage folk in Donetsk and Luhansk?



It is one thing to be a chastising moralist with little of substance on the line . . .


. . . and another to be a reasonably competent head of state.


For instance, a national chief executive, who has the (arguably societally mandated) responsibility to fend off another existence-threatening attack on Russian soil.



A more objectively minded perspective comes from . . .


. . . former Army colonel Andrew Bacevich.


He recognizes that heads of state carry burdens that the rest of us do not.


Pretending to be former US president John F. Kennedy's ghost, he recently crafted an open letter to current President Biden:



An armed conflict stemming from the Ukraine crisis is likely to destroy your presidency and much else besides.


The same can be said about a prospective war with China.


Let me be blunt: the leadership we need today is akin to what the nation needed when I steered a course away from war in Berlin and Cuba.


And please don’t fall for the latest propaganda about growing “gaps” between our own military capabilities and those of potential enemies.


Take it from me, when it comes to endangering our security both China and Russia trail well behind our military-industrial-congressional complex.


© 2022 Andrew Bacevich, Reflections from the Netherworld — Advice from JFK to President Biden, TomDispatch (01 March 2022)



Notice that last line about the military-industrial-congressional complex.


It constitutes the entire point.



The moral? — Namby-pampys' virtue-signaling moralism is never going to correct the world


Instead of parading such nauseatingly indulged lack of insight, finger NATO and the United States — both of which have colluded in killing hundreds of thousands to millions of innocent people — as the primary culprits in this latest Ukrainian episode of unnecessary death and destruction.


Then, 'cancel' yourselves.


Until the weight of attributed responsibility rests where it belongs, nothing will change. We will continue blaming selected scapegoats for all the evils that American leadership initiates, manipulates and concocts on a daily basis.


And do notice that not one of this unending tide of anti-Russian moralizers is going to Ukraine to fight the people, whom they claim to be murdering oppressors.


This should tell us something about the quality of these hysterical nitwits' spines, as well as their shallow levels of commitment to the anti-historical nonsense that they barf up.


Tragedies, like the Ukraine situation, are the result of exactly this kind of intellectual and moral vacuity.