Vlad's bitch — if Russian meddling in the United States' 2016 election were so important, why haven't our intelligence and law enforcement investigations wrapped up their investigations by now?

© 2017 Peter Free


25 June 2017



Knowing politicized smoke when you see it


The US presidential election took place on 08 November 2016. Allegations of Russian hacking (and subsequently direct meddling) were floated almost immediately.


Today is 25 June 2017.


That's about 7 months and more than 2 weeks later.


You mean to tell me that American intelligence and law enforcement agencies are too incompetent to conclude a purportedly vital national security investigation like this in that amount of time?



The moral? — Somebody's playing games, which probably means almost everyone involved in this charade


Most of whom benefit by keeping the dead fish stink alive — without having to prove that it existed or accomplished anything notable. Think of the politics, as well as the possibilities for bureaucratic expansion and personal advancement.


The Trump-is-a-Russian-stooge distraction (and its multiple variants) appeal to folks because it diverts attention from more difficult-to-resolve issues that we should be concerned about. Like the corruption-breeding sources of economic and political power in our society. As well as the Trump Administration's obvious conflicts of financial interest in virtually everything it undertakes.


It is easier to blame the Russian Federation for its alleged bogeyman shenanigans — which the US itself reportedly does on a large scale — than to look closely at worrisome structural weaknesses and power wielding in our own system:



From the American public's perspective, why be fatiguingly real, when we can have so much entertaining fun by staying complacently gullible?


And from the Establishment's point of view, why be let Americans dwell on the actualities of being looted by their own Elite, when the same "rabble" can be so easily diverted by hot-air effigies of supposedly democracy-hating Russian Bears?



Amuse yourself by contemplating the myriad ways in which this Putin's Bitch misinformation benefits most of the United States' insider hierarchy.


The fact that we're still completely in the dark after seven and a half months says it all. Our intelligence apparatus is not that incompetent. And it is certainly not that unmotivated.