United States' nonexistent big-boy manufacturing capacity — forces it to buy artillery rounds from South Korea

© 2022 Peter Free


15 November 2022 (updated 20 November)



Laughing at the wimpy backdoor kill-weasel


Let's think about the following news report:



The US intends to buy 100,000 rounds of artillery ammunition from South Korean arms manufacturers to provide to Ukraine, a US official said, as part of a broader effort to find available weaponry for the high-intensity battles unfolding in Ukraine.


As part of the deal, the US will purchase 100,000 rounds of 155mm howitzer ammunition, which will then be transferred to Ukraine through the US.


The arrangement allows South Korea to stick to its public pledge that it would not send lethal aid to Ukraine.


In a statement issued Friday morning, the South Korean Defense Ministry said it had not changed its position on shipping weapons to Ukraine, and that it believed the “end user” of the ammunition is the United States.


© 2022  Oren Liebermann, US plans to buy 100,000 rounds of artillery ammo from South Korea for Ukraine, CNN (11 November 2022)



Two points


First, the United States' own manufacturing capacity is so deficient, that it cannot even manufacture an insignificant volume of artillery rounds in a timely fashion.


Second, the 100,000 rounds coming from South Korea would last the United States two to five days, if it were the one fighting Russia in Ukraine.


These estimates are based on the Ukrainian commander's assessment of what is happening to his own forces at Russian hands, during the US-provoked — Ukraine-sacrificing — war. And upon US Army Colonel (retired) Douglas MacGregor's

of the same situation, here.


Evidently, no one in (reliably imbecilic) Washington DC bothered to think even the short-term consequences of the Military Industrial Complex's cowardly plan through.


Witness not only the above flop-wit result, but our disastrously boomeranging anti-Russia economic sanctions.


As well as the associated, self-invited destruction of the US-favoring economic structure that had artificially held our economic dominance supreme.



The moral? — American super-hegemony is over


Killed by its own domestic-manufacture-murdering hand.


Talk about the stupidity of pillaging oligarchs.


And worse, of the population that placidly let them get away with this.