US blew up Yemeni radar for no reason, it seems — with not a peep from the American public or its lame-brained media

© 2016 Peter Free


18 October 2016



What's a few more dead nameless brown guys?


A few days ago, I mentioned that the purported Yemeni missile attacks on the USS Mason were probably bogus. But probable bogosity did not stop the United States from repeatedly revenge missiling some Yemeni radar stations.


Today, there's a glimmer that US authorities suspected that the purported attacks on the American ship(s) were phantoms created by our own radars' glitches.


Yet (evidently) we still insisted on attacking "rebel" Yemeni installations three times. Because we're Americans and that's (apparently) just what we do. Why let an opportunity to wreck things and kill people go unused?





If you are historically inclined, you will recall that the USS Vincennes shot down an Iranian airliner in 1988. The Vincennes' captain got a medal that served to cover up that bit of conspicuously gallant incompetence.




Neither the United States' public, nor its boot-licking media cared a whit


Not about this. And not about the United States doing a pretty good imitation of being a Saudi-collaborative war criminal in Yemen. Blowing up hundreds of people at a funeral, for example.


We reportedly left an American bomb fragment or two behind at that one. So as to be sure that the families of the scores upon scores of dead and wounded knew who had helped do this to them.



American values?


What are those?



The moral? — If the Bible were being written today, we'd be in it


And not in a good way.