US biolabs in Ukraine were there to make lives better — says Empire of Lies

© 2022 Peter Free


15 June 2022



Let's take an investigative meander together


We will start of the United States' biolabs in Ukraine.


Then, we will wander over to the suspected origins of SARS-CoV-2.


And last, we will see whether these two phenomena might have something in common.



American biolabs in Ukraine


Below is what the United States' (always philanthropic) Pentagon had to say about its embarrassingly high number of purported biological research labs in Ukraine — my comment in bracketed italics:



The US government supported 46 biological research facilities in Ukraine for the past 20 years, revealed the Pentagon on Thursday.


The Pentagon claimed that these facilities were part of a peaceful public health project and were not focused on developing biological weapons,


saying that the US has “worked collaboratively to improve Ukraine’s biological safety, security, and disease surveillance for both human and animal health,” by providing support to “46 peaceful Ukrainian laboratories, health facilities, and disease diagnostic sites over the last two decades.”


These programs are supposed to have focused on “improving public health and agricultural safety measures at the nexus of nonproliferation.”


[One might question what biological research has to do with (presumably nuclear) nonproliferation.


Especially so, at a gibberish-derived 'nexus' of some physically impossible kind.]


The US military states elsewhere in the memo that it is attempting to provide "sustainable civilian employment” for scientists with “weapons-related knowledge” in order to “remove incentives to seek or accept of terrorist or other state actor employment and financing.”


US involvement with biological laboratories in Ukraine “remain peaceful efforts to improve nuclear and radiological safety and security, disease surveillance, chemical safety and security, and readiness to respond to epidemics and pandemics such as COVID-19,” the Pentagon said.


© 2022 Al Mayadeen English, US funded 46 biolabs in Ukraine: Pentagon, (10 June 2022)



Apparently, according to the Empire of Lies . . .


. . . this was a diversionary jobs program for unemployed terrorists.


And further, our personal safety (as humans) is tied up in US Government's biological research.



Research which is, in turn, directly tied to people's "radiological safety and security".


As well as to humanity's "chemical safety and security".


And, additionally, tied to enhancing the world public's ability "to respond to epidemics and pandemics".



Who knew that Biology was inherently . . .


. . . such a stout defense against the Physics of nukes and the Chemistry of chemical warfare?


I conclude that these Pentagon folk must have plucked their academic degrees — and their life experiences — out of a Cracker Jack box.



Into SARS-CoV-2's garden


It is probable that SARS-CoV-2 was the product of biowarfare-aimed genetic meddling.


Those of us with backgrounds in molecular biology and medicine find that critically important human-infection-enhancing alterations in its bat virus origin strongly suggest deliberate tampering.


Ron Unz may have a solid point in attributing this meddling to fringe lunatics in American Government. With the result that the intentionally concocted SARS-CoV-2 virus was — he thinks — equally deliberately released by American neocon plotters in China and Iran.


I say "solid point" because such a release would be much more characteristic of American neoconservatives than of China's war-avoiding and economy-emphasizing leaders.


The latter have long demonstrated that they possess the ability to look forward and predict the obvious results of foolish actions. Like self-destructively releasing a virus that had the potential to crash their own, as well as the world's economy.


American neocons, on the other hand, have perennially shown the world that they have no cause-and-effect foresight at all.


Case in point, the West-weakening results, including our boomeranging anti-Russia economic sanctions — imposed due to the Russo-Ukrainian War — which the US Government (recently, deliberately and as a matter of policy) provoked.



Returning to the Ukraine biolabs


Do we really think that Ukraine merited 46 labs, so as — according to the Pentagon — to make Ukraine a wondrously appealing place for health and safety?



While contradictorily, the United States was installing and funding violence-oriented neo-Nazis at every turn in Ukraine's power structure.


Nazis, who then happily artillery-shelled Russian-heritage folk in Ukraine's east. For 8 years.


And, via all this American interference, the Pentagon subsequently and explicitly stated that weakening Russia was the goal.


This alleged defanging to occur for reasons that make no sense at all to anyone with a Reality and Strategically oriented brain.



Forty-six points of American-sponsored Ukrainian light, huh?


And located more or less on the Russian border?



The moral? — If the American Military Industrial Complex is speaking, it is lying


Not to mention murdering innocents at every policy corner.


These US-sponsored — and presumably US-controlled — Ukrainian biolabs add credence to Ron Unz's increasingly believable suspicions about COVID-19's origin.


By its droppings, shall ye recognize the plague-carrying rat.