American Stalinist state jails Chelsea Manning yet again — stealing her assets now, too

© 2019 Peter Free


17 May 2019



While American sheep trot complacently amid their secretly caged lives . . .


. . . our strenuously POS government is throwing honorably principled people into jail and stripping them of their assets.


As I forecast, shortly ago:



Chelsea Manning [see here] was again behind bars on Thursday night after she was jailed for a second time for contempt of court, having refused to cooperate with a grand jury.


Having already served 62 days in jail, 28 of which were spent in solitary confinement, she now faces up to 18 months more in custody.


[Judge] Trenga further tightened the screws on the former army private by adding a financial penalty. If Manning continues to refuse testimony and remains in jail after 30 days, she will be fined $500 for every subsequent day behind bars. If she reaches 60 days, the figure will be raised to $1,000 a day.


Virginia prosecutors [are] determined to force Manning to testify in what they hope will be an eventual trial of Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks . . . .


© 2019 Ed Pilkington, Chelsea Manning jailed again as she refuses to testify before grand jury, Guardian (17 May 2019)



The moral? — How this is not an enthusiastic American form of Stalinism beats me


As I have said before, America is over.


Now we're just sitting around waiting to see whether we're going to follow the Nazi death camp verus Soviet gulag pattern.


Happily, I'm sure that someone "admirably" entrepreneurial is already designing the uniforms and social media for both sides (guard and prisoner) of that issue. This "innovator" will sell these to the American Military Industrial Complex at grossly inflated prices. And as a result, soon take a spot on the Panel of Plutocrats that have so easily deprived the grand American public of its freedom.


At the Auschwitzian gate, don't whine that our Rabble Flock's future was not foretold.