Trump's capacity for perfectly missing the point — constitutes political genius

© 2020 Peter Free


09 June 2020



President Trump managed to turn a political liability into a plus — with just one tweet


Of the video of Buffalo police officers bouncing Martin Gugino's skull off concrete — for no lawful reason — Trump tweeted this:



Buffalo protester shoved by Police could be an ANTIFA provocateur. 75 year old Martin Gugino was pushed away after appearing to scan police communications in order to black out the equipment.


I watched, he fell harder than was pushed. Was aiming scanner. Could be a set up?


© 2020 Donald J. Trump, Buffalo protester shoved by Police . . ., (09 June 2020)



Talented point-missers among the American population will obediently think that



Yeah, that m-f-er was gittin' in the way of the cops' job




he was a terrorist Antifa son-of-a-bitch.


He deserved what he got.



This exactly parallels the similar lack of legal logic . . .


. . . that had been applied to George Floyd's murder at police hands.





Y'all lefty whiners,


George Floyd had a criminal record




he had drugs in his system




he was [allegedly] tryin' ta pass a phony $20 bill.


That low-life slimeball.



These Trumpists' point apparently being that . . .


If you are less than a societal angel, the police should collect buckets of kudos for killing or maiming you.


This logic is not too far a conceptual step from the Third Reich's treatment of the alleged sin of having been born Jewish or Slavic.



There is also the culturally revealing 'government by tweet' aspect


Our impulsively indulged spontaneity says something about American levels of educational un-attainment and short-circuited thought processing.


Critical thinking does not survive well in tweet form.


The Lincoln Project highlighted aspects of the United States' culturally shared mental regression in the following video:



The Lincoln Project, Leadership, YouTube (06 June 2020)



The moral? — A population that is very noticeably composed of authoritarian-inclined dopes . . .


. . .  is going to laud Il Duce Trump's talent for malignantly obtuse thinking at every turn.


President Trump is, indeed, the United States' accurately depicted Ugly Face. Forty-four percent of the public still approves of his performance. Even after the continuing COVID-19 and George Floyd debacles.


Gotta give the man significant respect for his political ability.


We should probably wonder, at this point, how (or whether) to define American exceptionalism.