Thomas Knapp's summary of the US Democratic Party's Ukrainegate impeachment process is apt

© 2019 Peter Free


16 November 2019



US Republican Party is pretty openly evil . . .


. . . by any reasonably applied standard, but equally demonic Democrats hide their deviltry under rabidly applied double standards.



For instance, impeachment


Consider Democrats' made-up grounds for impeaching President Trump over his alleged Ukraine "quid pro quo".


Somewhere, blatantly concealed under Democrats' Ukraine distortions, rests the arguably real wrongdoing by then former Vice President Biden and his son, Hunter, during the Obama administration.


That's the Burisma corruption mess.


If you are unfamiliar with this, see — as one example among many — Paul Craig Roberts' brief summary, here.



Addressing Ukrainegate and Bidens-Burisma . . .


Thomas Knapp said this:



When Republicans act criminally and/or corruptly, it’s because they’re criminal and/or corrupt.


When Democrats act criminally and/or corruptly, it’s because they’re just poor, temperamental, out-of-their-element naifs who of course have no criminal or corrupt intent, but whose staffers — whether negligently, or out of concern for feelings or fear of offending — neglect to button their winter coats for them, take them by their little mittened hands, and carefully walk them across all those busy, dangerous legal/ethical streets.


© 2019 Thomas Knapp, Trump’s Democratic Critics Want it Both Ways on Biden, Clinton, CounterPoint (15 November 2019)



I agree with the sarcasm


Those of us accustomed to dealing with Adam Henrys on a daily basis prefer devils, who are comparatively open about their bad intentions.



The moral? — It is difficult to respect smarmy hypocrites


This second attempt by Democrats and the Deep State to unseat President Trump is simply going to strengthen the support that he has held onto during his term.


Anyone who treasures the United States' formerly inviolable acceptance of the electoral process will be infuriated by these repeated attempts to destroy it.