America's mantra — let's get worked up about pretend stuff — and ignore the things that really could bring us down

© 2017 Peter Free


05 March 2017





I am no Jeff Sessions and Donald Trump fan.


But, still . . . .



If you corralled a representative sample of all the world's fools — you would pretty much have our US of A


After sending former National Security Advisor Mike Flynn on his way, the Democratic Party's concocted Russia Menace is now gnawing away at Attorney General Jeff Sessions.


Establishment propagandists want us to suspect that he planned nefarious things with the Russian Ambassador to the United States, while Sessions was still a Senator serving on its Armed Services Committee.


"Surrogate" Sessions was (we are encouraged to infer) working under President Trump's direction — so that Donald of Orange could steal the 2016 presidential election from Sweet Queen Hillary and sell America out at the same time. Or some such obviously stupid supposition.


The newly created "Sessions Is a Russia-Loving Liar Affair" goes to show that no inanity is too large for the American public and its air-headed leaders to swallow.


Former intelligence officer Philip Giraldi has addressed this issue more diplomatically than I am ever likely to:



Incoming National Security Advisor Michael Flynn did nothing wrong when he spoke to Russian Ambassador Sergei Kislyak. It is just as evident that Sen. Jeff Sessions did nothing wrong when he spoke twice to the same gentleman in the context of his membership on the Senate Armed Services Committee.


Flynn was forced to step down after a campaign of vilification orchestrated by some senior officials at CIA and NSA, possibly acting on behalf of the outgoing Obama administration . . . .


The Sessions story is somewhat different, though it too includes hysterical reactions from the media and also from some leading Democrats.


[N]o one has demonstrated that Sessions has in some way worked with a foreign power to damage the national security of the United States. He is being tried by innuendo and in the cooperative media.


The evidence that Vladimir Putin has been somehow interfering in U.S. politics is definitely on the thin side and apparently not about to get any better. [See, for example, here.] And fooling with Russia can be dangerous as it is the only country on earth that can destroy the United States.


© 2017 Philip Giraldi, Did Sessions Do Anything Wrong? The American Conservative (03 March 2017) (excerpts)



Exactly.  For decades, the United States has been NATO-encroaching the Russian Federation into a geographical corner that the United States itself would not tolerate, were the tables turned.


And now, because it is domestically politically expedient — Democrats, the Deep State and its Mainstream Media Propaganda Office — as well as America's unending supply of cowardly armchair warriors — have deemed it wise to up the ante, so that foreseeable mistakes in execution could have us disastrously flirting with the edges of nuclear war.


Meanwhile, the United States' very many real problems fester from at least a generation of inattention.



The moral? — You can tell a fool by his inability to think reasonably, proportionately and with foresight


The laughable part is that Democrats and America's intelligence agencies — as well as their Military Industrial Complex cheerleaders — are the ones who concocted the delusionary "Russia is Evil" mess as a way of keeping themselves funded and in power.


I can think of no better way to demonstrate what a bunch of uselessly dangerous and often silly people these hidden puppet-masters are.


"Intelligence" in these and similar instances is an oxymoron.