Senator Ted Cruz Immediately Jumped on the Crusades War Wagon — after the 13 November 2015 Paris Terror Attacks — Indicating How Unfit He Is for any Job that Requires a Combination of Effective Strategic Sense and Emotional Balance

© 2015 Peter Free


14 November 2015



Senator Ted Cruz’s panicky foolishness will undoubtedly resonate with similarly frightened people — but that does not mean his ideas make sense


Immediately after news of the 13 November 2015 terror attacks in Paris, the Senator impulsively popped up to commandeer the Anti-Islam War Wagon:



We must now face the facts. Between the downing of the Russian jet over Egypt and this massive coordinated attack on Paris, we are seeing an unmistakable escalation of ISIS’ ambitions and the scale of their terrorist attacks outside Syria and Iraq.


Even as chaos rages in Paris, we need to take immediate, commonsense steps to preserve our own safety. We need to consult closely with our NATO allies who may be targeted for additional attacks.


We need to immediately declare a halt to any plans to bring refugees that may have been infiltrated by ISIS to the United States. We need to redouble our efforts to prevent ISIS agents from penetrating our nation by other means.


Such steps, however, are defensive reactions to an enemy that will continue to try to attack us until they succeed once again.


We must immediately recognize that our enemy is not ‘violent extremism.’ It is the radical Islamism that has declared jihad against the west. It will not be appeased by outreach or declarations of tolerance.


It will not be deterred by targeted airstrikes with zero tolerance for civilian casualties, when the terrorists have such utter disregard for innocent life.


We must make it crystal clear that affiliation with ISIS and related terrorist groups brings with it the undying enmity of America—that it is, in effect, signing your own death warrant.


© 2015 Ted Cruz, America Must Stand with Our Allies against the Scourge of Radical Islamic Terrorism, (13 November 2015) (extracts) (see a news account here)


In other words, according to Senator Cruz, the United States should pretty much kill anything suspicious in Muslim Land, innocent or not.



The moral? — Senator Cruz is a politically opportunistic and dangerously mean-spirited demagogue


There are no circumstances in which he should become American President.


His inability to see through the first rush of adrenaline-enhanced emotion at Paris’ upsetting news indicates that he lacks the balanced acuity necessary to the office. Which, I suspect, is exactly the kind of irrational hate-mongering that our enemies want to encourage — so as to eventually be able to point to us as the American embodiment of Satan.


Robotically killing still more innocents — after the strategically foolish, murderous and nationally-destructive escapades initiated and continued by Presidents George W. Bush and Barack Obama — is not the way toward peaceful security for us or anyone else.


One would think that people legitimately destined for leadership would have learned this, based on a simple review of recent History and decades of failed American military operations.


Achieving effective anti-terrorist strategies (and the national security that results from them) requires leadership that exhibits political courage, accurate cultural perceptions, unyieldingly self-control and a talent for making our nation look better than our adversaries do.


We will distinguish ourselves from terrorists by not acting like them.