Colorado's Senator Michael Bennet — squished the stink-grease out of — Texas Senator Ted Cruz

© 2019 Peter Free


26 January 2019



Caveat — I am not polite today


Ted Cruz sits in my top rank of personally despicable American politicians.


Along with Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan and Chuck Schumer. By way of very limited example.





I was not sorry to see a video clip of Colorado's Senator Michael Bennet exposing (government shutdown-favoring) Senator Cruz for the malicious hypocrite that he is.


See the unusual event, here.



Cruz had been doing his customarily smarmy yapping on the Senate floor


He was trying to blame Democrats (like Bennet) for government first responders being unpaid. Unpaid, in actuality, due to the "build me a wall" shutdown that Republicans' own "Il Duce" Trump had initiated.


Notice three points about the Colorado senator's Cruz-rebutting comments:



First, Bennet pointed out that a Cruz-supported government shutdown in 2013 stood in the way of Colorado's own first responders and that state's flood recovery that year.


So much for the internal consistency of Cruz's 2019 first responder argument.



Second, Bennet observed that Coloradans would react unfavorably to the United States stealing their land to build a wall across the state.


Oops, there go Republican "property first" principles.



Third, the 2019 shutdown arrived courtesy of the President's lie about Mexico paying for the border wall that he wants. Now, with Mexico having told the President to "you know what" to himself, the President wants Congress to screw American taxpayers.


Thus, Republican fiscal conservatism disappears. Not for the first time.



In total, talk about strangling conniving manipulators (like Cruz) with their own "conservative" political philosophies.



Cruz then accused Bennet of personally attacking him


What a laugh.


Senator Cruz, the world's epitome scumbag, attacking someone else for a lack of couth.



The moral? — the devil's work traced back


Poor Ted.


Did Archangel Michael make you cry?