According to Elizabeth Warren — only rich folk should have access to guns and ammunition? — Did'ja think that one through, Senator?

© 2019 Peter Free


10 August 2019



I do not think that this is going to play well . . .


. . . with many of the economically challenged people — whom presidential candidate Senator Elizabeth Warren needs to elect her to the presidency:



Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) wants to sharply increase taxes on guns and ammunition as part of a comprehensive new plan to reduce gun deaths in the United States by 80%.


For a century, the federal government has imposed an excise tax on manufacturers and importers of guns and ammunition. Handguns are taxed at 10%, while all other guns and ammunition are taxed at 11%.


Warren would raise the tax on guns to 30% and the tax on ammunition to 50%.


© 2019 Kevin Robillard, Elizabeth Warren Wants To Raise Taxes On Guns And Ammunition, Huffington Post (10 August 2019)



In other words (according to Senator Warren) . . .


. . . let's give American oligarchs one more unmatchable means with which to keep the rest of us quiescent.



The moral? — Warren's gun and ammo-taxing position alone — is fully capable of ending her bid for the presidency


What (arguably) incognizant foolishness on her part.


And an inconsistent position at that — given her other political stances' attempts to appeal to economic underlings like us.


Sometimes, one has to keep both tree (gun violence) and forest (economic and political oppression) in sight — at the same time.


Why is it that no one in American leadership tries to do this?