Sanders goes down for second time — again endorses the quasi-criminals who did him in — so much for progressive principle, huh Bernie?

© 2020 Peter Free


13 April 2020



Following Tulsi Gabbard's sellout of principle, Senator Sanders does the same thing


Gabbard and Sanders — former Democratic Party 2020 presidential nomination candidates — now support the:





always warmongering




perpetually bought and paid for


Establishment nominee-to-be —


Joe Biden.



I suppose the bedrock principle demonstrated here . . .


. . . is that when you are cheated at every turn by the Democratic National Committee, you turn the other cheek and endorse the Fake Party of Opposition's oligarchic owners.



We are now left this historically ridiculous picture


As Caitlin Johnstone wrote:



So as of right now it’s Trump versus Biden.


An incompetent plutocrat president selling himself as an anti-establishment people’s champion while simultaneously advancing garden variety Republican sociopathy, versus a warmongering authoritarian who is too demented to string a coherent sentence together and who is looking more and more credibly to be a rapist.


How did we get to the point where the electoral contest to run the most powerful government on the planet is between a racist demented right-wing authoritarian warmongering rapist and another racist demented right-wing authoritarian warmongering rapist?


How in the hell did this bullshit happen?


[T]he primary factor by far was domestic mass media propaganda.



If people could gaze with fresh, unmanipulated eyes upon someone


who’s dedicated his entire political career to neoliberal exploitation at home and neoconservative mass murder abroad,


someone who openly boasts about authoring the foundational documents of the USA PATRIOT Act,


someone who promises rich donors that “nothing fundamentally will change” if he’s elected




who they know from experience can be taken at his word,


it would never occur to them that this is someone who should be running for any elected office anywhere,


let along within spitting distance of the most powerful one in the world.



It is only by the ability of the mass media to manufacture the illusion of normality that this bullshit has been made possible.


The way the plutocratic class controls the mass media has given them the ability to persuade people to believe that freakish extremism is normal and healthy objections to oligarchic malfeasance is freakish extremism.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, This Absolute Bullshit Would Not Be Possible Without Propaganda, (13 April 2020) (reformatted for ease of reading)



What Caitlin left out


Johnstone left out the part about it also requiring:



a nearly nation-load of






often profoundly stupid


people (among the American public)


who so eagerly


welcome being brainwashed.



It is not just oligarchs . . .


. . . who have abandoned responsibility to contributing to Functioning Societal Decency.



Is American culture to blame?


Contemplate past insight from Barbara Ehrenreich:



Americans account for two-thirds of the global market for anti-depressants.


Our inclination to favor positive thinking is really driven by a high level of personal insecurity.


While positive thinking has reinforced American national pride, it also has a symbiotic relationship with American capitalism.


Emphasizing positive thinking is useful as an apology for the crueler aspects of the market economy. Via the dogma that there is no excuse for failure.


It harkens back to capitalism's roots in the grim and punitive outlook of Calvinist Protestantism.


I see a massive empathy deficit . . .  . No one has the time or patience for anyone else's problems.


© 2010 The Globalist, Barbara Ehrenreich: Rethinking American Optimism, (12 April 2010) (using quotations taken from Ehrenreich's book: Bright-sided: How the Relentless Promotion of Positive Thinking Has Undermined America)



Let's add it all up


We are now set for a pretended battle of consequence between two men — Trump and Biden — who essentially stand for the same thing, but in trivially different ways.


Both are destined to trash the little bit left of this nation's once arguable democratic worth.


In my view, the distinction between the two candidates is too societally undetectable to make a legitimate Lesser Evil argument on.


At best, the lesser 'badness' — embodied by one or the other — would be one of personal style, rather than substance.



The moral? — I see no courage — and no example worth emulating — in the Gabbard-Sanders sellouts


The United States is in the process of burning itself down with notable enthusiasm.


Imagine, pitting an unapologetically evil candidate — who exhibits concrete clods of dementia — against an equally horrible one — who manifests gargantuan megalomaniacal narcissism on a daily basis.


That is the United States now.


I hope y'all like ashes.


As well as the Gulag Gangs — that we mostly all will be in, metaphorically or not — after this eventually plays out.