Former Secretary of Labor Robert Reich Wrote the Obvious — but Perhaps It Is the First Time that a Prominent Democrat Has Admitted that His Party Is Just as Incompetent to Govern, as its Republican Opposition

© 2013 Peter Free


25 May 2013



What Professor Reich wrote


From his website:



All these men are honorable. None has broken any law.  But they and their ilk in congress – the Democrats who are now rolling back Dodd-Frank – don’t seem to appreciate the extent to which Wall Street has harmed, and continues to harm, America.


It’s not entirely coincidental that the Obama Administration never put tough conditions on banks receiving bailout money, never prosecuted a single top Wall Street executive for the excesses that led to the near meltdown, and still refuses to support a tiny tax on financial transactions that would bring in tens of billions of dollars as well as discourage program trading.


Democrats can’t be trusted to control Wall Street.


If there were ever an issue ripe for a third party, the Street would be it.


© 2013 Robert Reich, Why Democrats Can’t be Trusted to Control Wall Street, (24 May 2013) (last paragraph split)



Are these “honorable” (but mistaken men), as Secretary Reich calls them?




If greed were honorable, then that Reich’s assessment of his Democratic Party colleagues might be true.


If being toadies to plutocrats were a respect worthy quality, then perhaps a fragment of decency would be peeking from under the carpet.


But in my estimation of legitimate American values, neither quality competes for even the remotest threshold to the quality that semantically tuned in people call Honor.



The moral? — A third party will not cure any ills, unless better people come with it


Honor has to do with wisdom, character, and integrity.


Simply creating another political party filled with the self-aggrandizing narcissists that characterize American culture today is not going to solve any of the nation’s most fundamental problems.