Robert Reich found a point in Kamala Harris's favor — I stand corrected

© 2020 Peter Free


18 August 2020



Professor Robert Reich's recent blurb persuaded me to reverse . . .


. . . my blanket negativity about Democratic vice-presidential choice, Senator Kamala Harris.



Yesterday, I didn't have anything appreciative to say about her


Having been graphically unflattering:



Her previous unpopularity, presumably, arriving in part because Harris has an overt prosecutorial record of notably crushing her "black" brethren and sistren, as well as any widely accepted sense of actual justice.


See, for instance, here.


Performance traits like those, suck away whatever kinship-decency and meritorious "blackness" (or Indian Continent "brownness") that she started with.


In essence — here crudely worded for point-making effect — one "piece of shit" has joined another to head the Democratic ticket.



But today — demonstrating that there is always a silver lining, even for the most cynically inclined . . .


Professor Robert Reich made me rethink. He said that:



The Democratic Party is basically a governing party, organized around developing and implementing public policies.


The Republican Party has become an attack party, organized around developing and implementing political vitriol.


Democrats legislate. Republicans fulminate.


The big question hovering over the election is whether Democrats can summon enough fight to win against the predictable barrage.


Biden’s choice of running mate, Kamala Harris, bodes well in this regard.


Quite apart from all her other attributes, she’s a fierce fighter.


© 2020 Robert Reich, Unlike Republicans, Democrats Can Govern. But Can They Fight?, Smirking Chimp (18 August 2020)



A fighting Democrat would (indeed) be a welcome change


Of course, that would not change the oligarchical nature of the Fake Opposition Party.


But it would supplement Democrats' characteristically squishy, mush-brained natures — with at least one person who shows teeth.



There is theatrical performance merit in this, I grant


Tickets to the anticipated entertainment are free. At least, in the strictest semantic sense. We've already paid for them, complacently having lost most of our liberties to Oligarchy Made Supreme.


Let the battle of Fighting Plutocratists begin.


Toddling Donny takes on The Kamala !!



The moral? — At the bottom of the societal pit toilet . . .


. . . that the United States has become — a combative Democratic Pillager is (arguably) preferable to the unimpressive patsy-blather that the Party has slimily and hypocritically spewed for decades.


Nobody respects pusillanimous ineffectualness. There is at least talk-back strength, according to Professor Reich, in Senator Kamala Harris's favor.


I stand corrected.