Poland, being just as dopily provocative as it always is — bans Lavrov from December's OSCE meeting in Lodz

© 2022 Peter Free


20 November 2022



Poland . . .


. . . demonstrating again why it takes 3 frenetic Poles to screw in a self-exploding EU lightbulb, decided to:



. . . ban Moscow’s top diplomat, Sergey Lavrov, from attending a ministerial meeting of the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE) in Lodz next month . . . .


© 2022 RT, Poland's ban on FM’s trip ‘unprecedented’ – Russia, rt.com (19 November 2022)



In explanation . . .


Poland, being only 1 of the organization's 57 members, self-righteously opined that:



"Delegations should be adjusted to the current EU regulations and not include persons that are sanctioned by the European Union," the Polish OSCE chairmanship said in a statement.


© 2022 Agence France Presse, Poland Barring Russia's Lavrov From Regional Security Talks 'Provocative': Ministry, Barron's (19 November 2022)



So apparently


Not talking to the Russian folks:



who could easily blast


Poland's serially provocative


(generally predictably asinine)


selves out of existence



. . . is Polish Government's enthusiastically chosen method of international operation.



The moral? — Poland manifests just as many Pecking Order Smarts as . . .


. . . as its Nordic and Baltic companion nations to the north.


Virtually no one (who is peace and stability-minded) will miss this agglomeration of rambunctious provocateurs, if they disappear under History's eventually delivered backlash against seamless stupidity.


A behavioral pattern that the devil-demon United States gleefully invites (and arguably models) for all its brainlessly suicidal minions.