Pew poll — world no longer sees US democracy as a good example

© 2021 Peter Free


02 November 2021



"The king has no underpants, ma!"


A Pew Research Center poll of 16 developed nations demonstrates that overwhelming majorities (in each) think that the United States is not a good example of democracy:



Pew Research Center, Most believe the U.S. is no longer a good model of democracy, (29 October 2021)



Huge-huge majorities . . .


. . . in each of the surveyed countries think that the US 'democracy' example 'sucks':



Italy  66


Greece  72




Japan  77


Spain  77


United Kingdom  77


Belgium  80




Netherlands  80


Germany  81


Sweden  82


Canada  83


South Korea  84


Singapore  88


Australia  88


New Zealand 90






So much for American 'soft power'.


We have left no basis in the world for our purportedly good-hearted cajolery to work its former wonders.


Almost everyone 'out there' recognizes Adam Henry America for what it has turned itself into.



The moral? — Americans have forgotten everything . . .


. . . that the Founders tried to teach us about how to modestly behave in public.