Pete Buttigieg, NBC, NPR — and the Status Quo's penchant for — intentionally mangling language

© 2020 Peter Free


12 February 2020



Let's start with a metaphor . . .


. . . in form of a question:



Is (or was) there such a thing as a "moderate" Nazi?



Tentatively accept that


Propaganda needs to redefine Reality in order to work.


It does so by mangling language and facts.


To illustrate this proposition — consider Pete Buttigieg, NBC, NPR and the Democratic Party establishment.



Pete Buttigieg — famous Puppet Monkey


A few days ago, insipid Democratic Party presidential candidate Pete Buttigieg invited the American population to come together in a colossal Feast of Love:



We cannot risk dividing Americans’ future further, saying that you must either be for a revolution or you must be for the status quo.


Let’s make room for everybody in this movement.


© 2020 NPR, Week In Politics: Which Way Will Democratic Moderates Go In New Hampshire?, KQED (09 February 2020)



Notice NPR's use of the word "Moderates"


It implicitly assumes that there is a non-moderate (read "radical pinko commie") candidate in New Hampshire.


We will get to that Establishment propaganda twist, after we discuss the illogic of Mayor Buttigieg's vacuous appeal.



As a matter of logic


One has to recognize that Pete's brain is not working properly:



Movements have to go somewhere.


That means that one has to pick a target for them to go to.

If you pick a goal, that means that people who do not agree with the chosen endpoint cannot come.



For instance, someone who wants to overturn Rapacious Oligarchy is not going to want to pal around with Robber Barons.


That's because Oligarchs want to keep their practice of plutocratic pillaging alive and breathin' easy.


Ergo, Buttigieg's unitary movement is not possible in any conceivable context.


Except, I suppose, as a bowel one.



Caitlin Johnstone applied common sense


She wrote that:



Claiming that it isn’t necessary to choose between revolution and the status quo is claiming that you can change the status quo without any kind of revolution.


You are saying that the establishment which has created and reinforced the status quo can now suddenly, for some strange and mysterious reason, be counted upon to change it. That the status quo will change the status quo.


Anyone who has paid attention to US politics for more than a few years already knows that this is objectively false.


© 2020 Caitlin Johnstone, Puppet Pete Says Revolution And The Status Quo Aren’t Mutually Exclusive, (10 February 2020)



Where does Buttigieg's gibberish come from?


Recall that Buttigieg has a Naval Intelligence background.


Some sources allege that he was also operationally linked with the CIA in Afghanistan. Everybody allegedly involved, denies it.


Nevertheless, Mayor Buttigieg's "one movement" ploy is akin to the kind of population-controlling nonsense that the Agency routinely, and very competently, deals out.


It's called Mind Fuckery.



I use that unappealing language because no other phrase captures the concept's gist so accurately.



The spooks' goal is to trick people into using their own hopes, greed and innate stupidities against themselves.



To that tidbit, add . . .


. . . NPR and NBC News' conveniently inserted propaganda streams.


These fall into the same Mind Fuckery boat.


For intance, yesterday, after Bernie Sanders won the New Hampshire Democratic presidential primary — NBC News headlined:



Bernie Sanders is now the front-runner.


And moderates may be too divided to stop him.


© 2020 Sahil Kapur and Shaquille Brewster, Bernie Sanders is now the front-runner, NBC News (12 February 2020)



In other words


Bernie Sanders — who perfectly fits the 1930s' New Deal boat — is now a dangerous radical.  


Today's Oligarchy — NBC and NPR included — cannot tolerate our not so distant and more egalitarian past.


NBC and NPR's subtle use of manipulated language puts us right back in the Status Quo Forever Box that Caitlin Johnstone attacked above.



Now, contemplate a quantitative simile


Buttigieg, NBC, NPR and the DNC are — by quantitative, not political — analogy, similar to "moderate" Nazis.


Moderate Nazis were (in our hypothetical metaphor) only in favor of eliminating 1.5 of every 2.0 Untermensch.


"Extremist" Nazis wanted the full 100 percent.


We see, via this example, that one cannot reasonably define "moderation" — simply based upon the exceptionally narrow political and philosophical spectrum of the greedy power-seekers who rule us.



The moral? —  American moderates' puppet-like insipidness . . .


. . . should repel anyone with an ounce of spine and a spark of genuine intelligence.


Self-contradictory drivel (like Buttigieg's) pukes me dry. Even more so than President Trump's narcissistic viciousness.


Better rabidly gesticulating devils, than puppetized namby-pamby pap-spewers.