Mike Pence blathered way past debate time limits — demonstrating a disregard for women, agreements and rules

© 2020 Peter Free


08 October 2020



I mention what follows because the Lamestream mainly ignored it


Illustrating, I guess, that once we become accustomed to a Dance of Turds, anything less noxiously fragrant is not worth mentioning.


For instance, last night's vice presidential debate clearly indicated that nauseatingly pious Vice President Mike Pence has no regard for women, agreements or civilizing rules. He kept vastly over-talking his debate time — and virtually no one, then or since, called him on it.


Apparently, President Trump's astoundingly obnoxious performance at the previous debate has hardened us to exceedingly low expectations of how an allegedly civilized person should act.


One thankful exception to this was Kelly Lawlor's outspoken USA Today view:



Despite appearing more "civil than last week's much-criticized debate between President Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden, the VP showdown was further proof that in an age when divisiveness rules, the only way to enforce the debate rules is by giving the moderator the power to cut the microphones of the candidates.


Wednesday's debate showed that it wasn't just Trump who wasn't willing to abide by the agreed upon rules. Moderator Susan Page, USA TODAY's Washington bureau chief, tried to keep the candidates to their time limits, but they didn't cooperate.


Pence spoke over both Harris and Page repeatedly. Harris twice turned to Pence . . . with ire and said, "I'm speaking," trying to take back her time.


(According to CBS, Pence interrupted Harris 10 times, twice as often as Harris spoke over him).


No matter which candidate you support, listening to a shouting match isn't pleasant, informative or entertaining. It's grating, and it distracts from the substance of the debate.


© 2020 Kelly Lawlor, Vice presidential debate proves that moderators need the power to cut the mics, USA Today (08 October 2020)



This is not hard stuff


Americans would go wild, if a football team rampagingly ignored the national pastime's rules.


Yet for arguably more important election debates, the United States' current lackadaisical practice is to allow Adam Henrys to run amok, thereby entirely destroying the only purpose to having those forums.



The fact that this absurdity easily perpetuates itself . . .


. . . demonstrates how little both Establishment and lamestream media actually care about the nation's core health.



The moral? — No wonder that the United States is in rapid decline


In a nation that cannot even follow rules that it has agreed to, civilization-destroying chaos is the outcome.


And when Pious Pence and Toddling Donny hypocritically boast about their political Party's "business" acumen, they forget that the core of successful small business enterprise is based upon determination to keep one's word.


Both men model the opposite behavior. That, sociologically indicatively, appears to be their main political attraction.


Purpose-lacking destruction is the figurative Devil's work. Nihilism consumes itself and everything around it.


The fly that staked out a position on Mike Pence's head might have been telling us something about blended hypocrisy and shit.