NATO chief Stoltenberg yapped his tiny teeth — and four days later Russia metaphorically put a missile up his butt

© 2022 Peter Free


14 March 2022



Talk shit, eat shit . . .


. . . is the street's number one rule.


An example of how this works — in Realpolitik terms — follows.


Russia became irritated with yippy-yappy NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg, just as I predicted it would.



The pertinent sequence


Secretary Stoltenberg continued his annoying ankle-biting on Wednesday 09 March 2022. This time in Canada.


Stoltenberg barky-barked still more threats against Russia.


To wit — demonstrating that the United States and NATO have not learned a thing from the Russo-Ukrainian war that they had both provoked:



President Putin has clearly stated that it will be very serious if Finland and Sweden decide to apply for NATO membership.


And he has threatened with what he called “military-technical consequences”.


So [the Russo-Ukrainian War] goes beyond Ukraine.


This is about denying every nation in Europe the right to choose its own path and to become a NATO member, if they so want.


NATO, we respect the decision of countries, regardless whether they apply for membership or not apply for a membership.


That's a sovereign decision by every sovereign nation.


© 2022 North Atlantic Treaty Organization, Speech by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg at the Ottawa Conference on Security and Defence, (09 March 2022)



Thus, according to the United States and NATO, Russia still does not have a legitimately held sphere of influence.


If Finland and Sweden want to join the Anti-Russia Alliance, so be it.


No Monroe Doctrine-style, hemisphere-wide — nor even a grudgingly granted, borders-only buffer zone — for y'all Rooskies.



Not so coincidentally . . .


Four days later, Russian missiles took out the (closet) NATO Yavoriv military training base in Ukraine. Roughly 12 miles (the New York Times tells us) away from the Poland's NATO-protected border.


Russia's embracement of such a war escalation risk was, no doubt, intended to inform Stoltenberg and his American owners that:



(a) it could not care less about NATO's threats




(b) the attack on the Yavoriv (NATO) military base in Ukraine is exactly the precisely aimed destruction that is going to happen




(c) NATO rides its Tall Nasty Horse into real world combat with the Federation.



NATO did not . . .


. . . immediately respond to the Yavoriv attack.


Partly, we can infer, because everyone knows that the North Atlantic alliance does not belong in non-member Ukraine in the first place.


And second, because NATO and the United States — rabid warmongers both — have suddenly become temporarily squeamish about losing their potentially nuked gonads to a 'real' war — with a somewhat equivalent adversary.


As opposed to the impoverished, vastly out-gunned people that the US and NATO have, nevertheless, managed to repeatedly lose our self-initiated conflicts to.



That said . . .


When one takes an analytical step back, one begins to recognize that the West actually does want to start a massive war with the Russian Federation.


The United States is evidently just trying to maneuver Russia into providing us with an excuse to start it:



A war would rescue Biden's flatulently failing administration.


It might succeed in covering up Western oligarchs' machinations in Ukraine. Hunter and Daddy Biden, Ukrainian oligarch(s) and more.


World War III would also conceal the origins and products of the reportedly many (probably US-planned and run) biowarfare installations in Ukraine.


And, to top those positives off, the Military Industrial Complex would go to Gold Town in a gargantuanly armaments-providing way.



What's not for happy capitalists to like?



The moral? — World War III may be coming — by American design


Forget the Western sociopaths that I mentioned a couple of days ago. It's wall-to-wall psychopaths, for sure.


The rest of us will have to settle for Nuke-Blast bathing.


Let's persuade ourselves that gamma ray tans are the in-thing. Just like paying out the wazoo for gasoline and food are.


It only hurts for a moment.


And then you're either gone to the Great Beyond or living on the street. Where we'all already know better than to talk shit.


Full circle. But, as usual, with the wrong people learning the lesson.