Mob Central's deputy — Jake Sullivan — says US will steal and redistribute already seized Russian oligarchs' wealth

© 2022 Peter Free


15 April 2022



Let's make it personal?


The United States — already heavily involved in starting wars all over the planet — is now formally entering the Cheap Gangster Business:



Washington is not planning to return the assets confiscated from Russian businessmen as part of the latest sanctions imposed on Moscow over the military operation in Ukraine, US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said on Thursday.


“Our goal is not to give them back,” Sullivan said at the Economic Club of Washington, adding that the US authorities would use the seized assets “in a better way.”


“There are authorities we have, and there are further authorities that maybe we could develop, and that’s something we’re actively looking at,” the official added.


© 2022 Akash Maurya, US not planning to return seized Russian assets – Jake Sullivan, The Press United (14 April 2022)



In other words


There is no law permitting this seizure. So, we'll make our own justification up.


The United Cartel has spoken.



The moral? — The problem with creating Chaos . . .


. . . as a national policy foundation, is that it frequently circles back to gobble its originators.


Criminal cartel-hood is not what the America's Founders had in mind. For exactly that Chaos-avoiding reason.