Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell Implied that Republicans Are Not Happy — unless They Are Wrecking the Founders’ System

© 2015 Peter Free


05 June 2015



There is partisanship, and then there is pure malevolence


Think about the implications of a statement from Senate Majority Mitch McConnell, whose claim to historians’ fame probably consists of modeling the world’s largest politicized poop sphincter:



Senate Republicans have been slow-walking President Barack Obama's judicial nominees all year. It looks like things are about to get even less productive.


Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) said Thursday that he doesn't expect to confirm any of Obama's circuit court nominees for the remainder of his time in office, a blow to White House efforts to fill empty federal court seats despite working with a Republican-controlled Senate.


"So far, the only judges we’ve confirmed have been federal district judges that have been signed off on by Republican senators,” McConnell said.


Asked if he expects that to be the case through 2016, McConnell said, "I think that's highly likely, yeah."


If McConnell is serious, that means at least two GOP-backed circuit court nominees are toast.


© 2015 Jennifer Bendery, Mitch McConnell Says Obama's Circuit Court Nominees Won't Be Confirmed Anymore, Huffington Post (04 June 2015)



Why this matters enough to comment upon


Of the three branches of government, the judiciary is the only one that, until recent years, seemed to be working as designed.


That is not (of course) to say that it is working without very noticeable bias in favor of rich whites and well-heeled corporations. But still, it was working as the influential white guys who founded it more or less expected.


Enter Senator McConnell’s Clan of Closet Anti-Americans.


They have seen to it that Congress — perhaps the most useless significant political institution in the world —prevent the one branch of government that is still working from doing so.


No federal judiciary appointments means too few functioning courts. Zero appellate judge appointment means reduced review of (at least arguably) mistaken lower court decisions.


What better way for Republicans to prove their foolishly conceived mantra that government is evil?



The moral? — The American experiment with Demonstrated Absurdity whirls on


At some point — the cultural combination of ignorance, stupidity, and thoughtlessly directed anger becomes Malevolent Nihilism.


I think we’re there now. At home and abroad.