Memorial Day illusions

© 2016 Peter Free

31 May 2016


Trapped by the ethics of unquestioning service and sacrifice

Lt General Timothy Ray — currently commander of the US Third Air Force — spoke at World War II’s Luxembourg American Cemetery this holiday weekend. His eloquent talk was about resisting tyranny.

The speech reminded me that intentionally fostered delusion underlies most of what American Government does abroad. Military adherence to principles regarding duty, honor, courage and sacrifice has been manipulated by those who profit from fomenting perpetual war.

Those who serve are frequently trapped by their own ethics. And easily spun into war’s fodder.

I noticed that the general quoted President Ronald Reagan, but not more recent commanders in chief. Some of the latter were arguably more visibly complicit in abusing their troop-commanding power for the Elite Establishment’s profit-seeking ends.

I wonder whether General Ray sometimes feels the same mix of pride, organizational misuse and sorrow that I do.