If you are American — this Maryland thing should make you raging mad — no matter your political stripe

© 2020 Peter Free


23 April 2020



American bureaucrats, plutocrats and their Gestapo-thinking cops . . .


. . . have shredded the United States' Constitutional freedoms.


It is time to 1776 them all to the depths of Dante's Darkest Hell:



It has been six weeks since a SWAT team shot and killed 21-year-old Duncan Lemp in a 4:30 a.m. raid at his family’s home in Potomac, Maryland . . . .


Montgomery County Police have thus far refused to provide any evidence on how or why they killed Lemp.


But a county prosecutor leaped to action on Wednesday, effectively threatening any Lemp family members who attend a protest over his killing with a $5000 fine and a year in jail.


The reason? Maryland’s strict stay-at-home [COVID-19] orders, imposed by Republican Gov. Larry Hogan last month.


Police claim that they received an anonymous tip two months earlier that Lemp possessed firearms. The police department asserted Lemp was prohibited from owning firearms due to a juvenile conviction but there are apparently zero court records or other records to support that justification.


Regardless of Lemp’s juvenile history, there was no evidence that he posed an imminent threat justifying a frontal assault that included throwing flash-bang explosive devices into the family home.


© 2020 Jim Bovard, Duncan Lemp’s Parents Threatened With Jail For Protesting His Killing, American Conservative (23 April 2020)



In other words


US bureaucrats — and the Great American Plutocracy's police enforcers — will make up reasons to call you a bad person.


Then they'll kill you. Just for fun and Big Boy practice.


And afterward, the same power-hungry vermin will make up some equally unconstitutional bullshit to confine the murdered person's friends and family. So that his and her loved ones cannot draw public attention to the slaughter that these rabies-drooling totalitarians caused.



The moral? — Think 1789 principles — embody 1776 action


Be a true American patriot.


Rise up.