Lose all hope, ye who enter here — Larry Romanoff's brilliant essay about the United States' fake democracy

© 2022 Peter Free


01 November 2022



Waking enraptured sheep . . .


. . . is an impossible task.


But we try.



In this lambkins-awakening regard


Larry Romanoff wrote the following — here reverse-sequenced to enhance the logic of these extracts:



Western multi-party democracy is the only political system in the world designed to disenfranchise, isolate and betray at least half of the population.


The fundamental issue is that Western democracy has never had as its objective the selection of competent leaders or good government, but was instead created as a way of sidelining ‘the people’, dividing them by ideology and engaging their attention in a game – in a team-sport competition.


[N]o Western “democracy” would permit ‘the people’ to actually gain control of their government.


One of the more distressing congenital deformities of nations with multi-party politics is that by the time all the special-interest groups . . . have grabbed their share, nothing useful is likely to remain for the common good.


The outcomes are preordained because elected US officials are too busy looking after the interests of AIPAC, Israel, the Jewish lobby, the CIA, the US military, the defense contractors, the international bankers and the big multi-nationals, to worry about the people and the nation.


US-style Multi-Party Democracy is a formula for waste, inefficiency and corruption.


It is the one form of government that will guarantee decisions will be made to benefit private interest groups instead of the country as a whole.


© 2022 Larry Romanoff, Democracy, the Most Dangerous Religion: Part 4 – Multi-Party Democracy, Unz Review (31 October 2022) (extracted paragraphs have been reordered in sequence for conceptual clarity)



If you have not already come to the same conclusion


Do read Romanoff's full, well-crafted essay.


He begins by making essential points regarding our too-loosely applied, overly vague definitions of democracy and governance.



The moral? — Once we know (and accept) who the real enemy is . . .


. . . it is easier to focus.


Parasitic demons, and the devilish system they have crafted, are not humanity's friends.