Liz 'Crazy Bitch' Truss says that — shes okay with nuclear war with Russia — and now she wants to treat China the same way

© 2022 Peter Free


30 August 2022



Let's briefly look at the Big Picture


True, the West is led by warmongering morons.


In addition to the United States' panoply of nuclear-war-salivating metal twerps:



(think Biden, Blinken, Sullivan, Austin and Milley)


we have the idiot Germans




the European Union to which it belongs


as well as the United Kingdom's ace imbecile, Liz Truss


soon to be that nation's prime minister


even after her laughably incompetent tour as Foreign Secretary.



Nothing like promoting the hostilely clueless ever upward.



Do you remember Liz Truss?


She's the magnificent airhead who made a complete ass of her (then-Foreign Secretary) self in Moscow (during February this year) in front of the legitimately great Sergey Lavrov.


And after that — with her vacuum-filled skull's eyes upon succeeding the equally clueless Boris Johnson — (as yet another warmongering Tory prime minister) — the below sentiments emerged:



John Pienaar of Times Radio told Truss that if she became prime minister, she would be quickly shown the procedures for launching nuclear missiles from Britain’s Trident submarines.


“It would mean global annihilation,” Pienaar said.


“I won’t ask you if you would press the button, you’ll say yes, but faced with that task I would feel physically sick. How does that thought make you feel?”


Truss replied, “I think it’s an important duty of the Prime Minister and I’m ready to do that.”


“I’m ready to do that,” she repeated, soliciting a round of applause from the assembled Tories.


© 2022 Chris Marsden, Britain’s next prime minister Liz Truss says she is ready for global nuclear annihilation, World Socialist Website (25 August 2022)



'My estrogen ovary-balls are bigger than any man's sperm-brained equivalents' . . .


. . . Secretary Truss implicitly insisted.


And to prove her randy-horny appetite for orgasmic global annihilation:



Liz Truss is set to declare China as a 'threat' to national security if she becomes Prime Minister next week, it has emerged.


The Tory leadership favourite is poised to give China a similar status to Russia, as part of a rethink of Britain's foreign policy, should she enter Downing Street.


As part of last year's 'integrated review', Russia was described as an 'acute threat' to UK security.


Conor Burns, a minister in the Northern Ireland Office and a supporter of Ms Truss, said that reclassifying China as a 'threat' was 'the right thing to say'.


'I think it's characteristic of Liz that she speaks as she finds,' he told BBC Radio 4's Westminster Hour last night.


'She wasn't one for rushing off to sign trade agreements or declaring "golden age" of relationships with China while she was there.


'She was very hard-nosed and hard-headed.'


© 2022 Greg Heffer, Liz Truss to declare China a 'threat' to national security as PM and give Beijing a similar status to Vladimir Putin's Russia, DailyMail (29 August 2022)



Yes indeed . . .


. . . there's nothing so valuable as a Super Ignoramus — who does not even know basic map geography — rushing off to instigate nuclear war with two nations that could obliterate (militarily impotent) Britain in the blink of eye.


Guess who will have to pick up the mushroom-shaped cloud cojones on that one?



The moral? — The genders (and all their acclaimed substitutes) are now fully equal


Belligerent stupidity is the standard.


All the way down the line.


Do you think that this curious societal evolutionary development is going to favor — or hinder — Humanity's continued existence?