Russian Minister Lavrov's explanation — for why the United States has doomed itself

© 2017 Peter Free


14 April 2017



Leave it to a well-prepared adversary to expose the United States' biggest weakness


Russia's Sergey Lavrov is reputedly one of the world's smartest and most thoughtful foreign ministers.


Mess with him (the implication goes) and you had best prepare to be drubbed by a consistently better prepared intellect.


And so (presumably) it went for U.S. Secretary of State Rex Tillerson, when the pair met two days ago to discuss, among other things, the Syrian Civil War.



In passing, Lavrov summarized the cause of American foreign policy ineptitude


 In just two sentences:



“We talked today about the history and Rex said that he was a new man and he's not interested so much in history,” the veteran Russian diplomat said.


“He wants to deal with today's problems, but the world is constructed in a way that if we don't look at the past, we can't deal with the present.”


© 2017 Nahal Toosi, Rex Tillerson feels the chill in Moscow, Politico (12 April 2017)



The moral? — Flaunted ignorance keeps us stumbling on our dangly-flappy


The United States simulates a physically aggressive Alzheimer's patient with nukes.


The brain disease itself is a death sentence. We enthusiastically deny this sad prognosis by eagerly and repeatedly demonstrating our stalwartly huge anatomy.


With that as a behavioral pattern, it is difficult to tell where Dumb begins.


Which, I imagine, is what Minister Lavrov was saying. In his tactful way.