Lamestream's supposed cosmic meaning of — Virginia's election — of a Republican governor

© 2021 Peter Free


04 November 2021



What a load of mangled equine droppings . . .


. . . the Establishment feeds us every day.


This week, the Lamestream rolled out its oligarchy-supporting Puppet Pundits. They examined the allegedly vast implications of Republicans' win in Virginia's 2021 gubernatorial election.


The only intelligent thing I read about Virginia's predominantly non-event came from the editor of The Lamp, a Catholic magazine.


Matthew Walter's examination of the Virginia vote focused on the representatively selfish and empty-souled nature of the socioeconomic group that supported him.


Here is what Walther said — here presented in extracts:



Over and over again we have been told that Youngkin won because he promised to “ban” something called “critical race theory” or “CRT.”


Youngkin won not because Virginia is full of closeted social conservatives . . . but because the kind of affluent suburban voters who supported Joe Biden in 2020 decided to fire the help.


After nearly two years of putting up with suspicious-sounding medical excuses from caretakers, they were fed up with the teachers’ unions whom they had put in charge of babysitting their children while they pursued dual incomes and ordered takeout.


[I]t is difficult not to imagine that the objection [to critical race theory] was not to anything specific in its contents[,] but rather to the fact that it presents any kind of structural critique of American society at all:


[That is] the idea that undergirding the self-satisfied consumerism of life in our meritocratic suburbs there is something essentially rotten, indeed sinful, that the present order has been made possible by means of some unspeakable and ancient privation, and that one day there will be a reckoning of sorts . . . and that much of what we have done and built will be rejected as false and damnable.


© 2021 Matthew Walther, Don’t Be too Happy Glenn Youngkin Won, American Conservative (04 November 2021)





I like it when writers drag in psychologically revealing points that easily accumulated evidence will, at least tentatively, support.



The moral? — Elections are local . . .


. . . and usually float on abysmal levels of shared and easily manipulated stupidity.


Local election outcomes generally mean only what regional issues, predilections and psychic manipulations have shaped them to mean.


From Virginia's 2021 election result, we should only take the national message that 2022 and 2024 are likely to spew more the same (similarly unedifying) 'cultural' distractions.


The American Oligarchy uses these intent-camouflaging means to shear a national population that is mainly comprised of competing clans of milling, often airheaded sheep.


I am not certain who should get the major portion of blame for the United States' descending circuit around the toilet bowl:



Do We the People get what we deserve?


Or is it always The Other Guy's fault?



An insight-filled answer to that would guide crafting a society that works to people's shared benefit.


The one we occupy, very obviously does not.