Kamala Harris, token "black" woman — will be boss, when plutocratic "white" Joe Biden's mind slides away — is that a Yay?

© 2020 Peter Free


17 August 2020



Gotta hand it to the Plutocracy


With a stranglehold on both US political parties and everything that moves — the Oligarchy's sly cunning becomes apparent in even comparatively small ways.


Take the coming 2020 election.


We've been boxed into a choice between (arguably) the least attractive and least competent presidential tickets in American history.



Consider, just for instance, Senator Kamala Harris


She vice presidentially accompanies "Dementia-Man" Biden on the Democratic Party ticket.


Senator Harris is a knowingly selected Token Person, who will become an unelected Prez, when Joe Biden's mind predictably dribbles its last bits away.



Let's review the Machiavellian beauty of the Democratic Party's soul-deep cynicism




We see the bottomless repulsiveness of the Donkey Party Establishment in its selection of an imperialistic, well over-the-hill Oligarchist Toady for President.


And a very notably foggy-minded one, at that.


We can conclude, from this, that the American president does not need to represent the People.


Nor does he require even a marginally functioning brain to do whatever it is that he is unrepresentatively doing.


We can also intuit that the Democratic Candidate certainly does not need to compare favorably, in any detectibly meaningful way, to the senilely aging Toddler Narcissist already in the White House.


"Why" — the Democratic Party essentially asks us — "should we compete on human and political merit, when we clearly don't have to?"


The Plutocracy's got your feeble back, Joe. No worries.





Kamala Harris, who is cut from an identical Oligarchical jib, trots in with her "black" female credentials.


Skin-deep-vacuous, though those both are.


We already learned what this kind of dermis-shallow, soul-lacking aspect means in practice. That, sadly from our two-term experience with the King of Hypocrites, Barack Obama.


And Senator Harris' dubious Tokenism "achievement" is foisted upon us today, despite the fact that she was one of the least successful of Biden's primary election opponents.


Her previous unpopularity, presumably, arriving in part because Harris has an overt prosecutorial record of notably crushing her "black" brethren and sistren, as well as any widely accepted sense of actual justice.


See, for instance, here.


Performance traits like those, suck away whatever kinship-decency and meritorious "blackness" (or Indian Continent "brownness") that she started with.


In essence — here crudely worded for point-making effect — one "piece of shit" has joined another to head the Democratic ticket.


And that's by the Party Heirarchy's own population-stomping choices.



This is Establishment cynicism at work, in spades . . .


. . . to make an offensively sour (but core-accurate) pun.


Senator Kamala Harris is not Human Equality and Justice's friend.


Just as with former President Barack Obama, she has been paraded into the partisan fray, purely on her camouflaging skin and suck-up credentials.



Completing this trifecta . . .


. . . of process-denying loathsomeness, consider the following aspect:



When, rather than if, a "President Biden" has to be secreted out of Embarrassing View — Kamala Harris will be there to accept her completely unelected reins of national power.


An already proven Enemy of the People, she will have successfully seated her token-coddled behind upon America's imperial throne.


Without ever having received the slightest, direct electoral support for that job.



Talk about a purely affirmative action hire.



In total . . .


This is Democratic Party Establishment cynicism, tripled.


See how far sly forms of Tokenism can roll?


You get a "white" oligarchical sheep in camouflaging "black" skin clothes.


Is the result a "Yay" for progress?


Or merely a sign that we now accept "black" reprehensibility as an acceptable substitute for white deviltry?


Seems like a race to the bottom of the pit toilet to me.



The moral? — Purulently putrid




Republicans usually being transparent about their avaricious-or-else natures




Democrats matching them by being far too lazy to conceal their own wall-to-wall rottenness . . .



. . . we had better cultivate our senses of dark humor.


The current situation is a Fourth of July-like fireworks display celebrating the raw Banality of Evil.


Wanna hold a sparkler, kid?