Another go-round of falsely based confidence for Democrats? —Senator-elect Jones' squeak-by win in Alabama

© 2017 Peter Free


18 December 2017



Judging by Democrats' joy-filled tumult over Doug Jones' vanishing margin win in Alabama


One would think that the Promised Political Land had finally arrived.



Ignored in all this . . .


. . . was Jones' disappearingly tiny margin of victory.


Presumably half of Alabama preferred a reputed child-molesting, openly judiciary-flouting Republican to the apparently morally upright Democrat.


This, despite the 2.2 to 1 advantage (over Moore) that Jones had in pushing the Supreme Court's 'money equals speech' bogosity forward.





Pundits claimed that black women pushed Jones over the top


However, given the comparative drought of black women in the electorate nationwide, this does not augur well for Democrats elsewhere.


Nor will the (black women performing as the nation's conscience) trend efficiently travel forward in time. Even into 2018's Alabama. Jones' money is not going to be there. It will scatter to Democratic causes everywhere else.



Looking ahead — rough Democratic Party waters?


Recall that 40 percent of Americans still support our 'pussy-grabbing' Devil in Chief. Who reeks of smashed morality no less than the allegedly child-nastying Moore.


Forty to fifty percent of the United States, we can infer, love this Republican Party of the Anti-Christ. An arguably cancerous mass that is notable for its relentless assault on anything humanely decent.



One can deduce (from this) that


Appealing to morality among the propagandized electorate is not going to win even a small portion of the roughly half of American voters — who relish openly displayed depravity of one kind or another.


It is not enough (we can infer from History) to criticize evil in the effort to reliably gain votes. A believably described Chariot of Achievable Light has to be paraded forward to replace it. Not enough voters want to buy the lying promises of yet more of the Democratic Party's past same.



The moral? — This goes beyond partisan silliness


Dave Lindorff wrote (too kindly, I think) that:



The American political system exists as it is because of two reasons:


1) The majority of Republican voters are either incredibly ignorant or are simply incredibly selfish, and


2)  The majority of Democratic voters are so blinded by their fear of Republicans that they will vote for the most puerile, manipulative, deceitful, greedy and/or feckless candidates, as long as they are Democrats, and will re-elect them even after having been betrayed by them time and time again.


© 2017 Dave Lindorff, Stupidity and Blindness Have Destroyed Whatever Democracy the US Ever Had, CounterPunch (15 December 2017)



Into evidence for Lindorff's second point, put (for example) Congress' Democratic leadership. As well as the hypocritically anti-humanity candidates that this inarguably Wall Street Party runs for public office every two, four and six years.


The United States is (thus) essentially divided between:



oligarchically oriented, muscle-headed, flag-waving bigots




plutocracy-supporting, noodle-spined, flag-wearing fools.



Meaningfully distinguishing between these two groups, with regard to assessing socio-economic end results, is challenging.


Even though I regularly rail against the Party of the Anti-Christ, Beelzebub's Avaricious Donkey Butts are not substantially better. They certainly are politically dumber, even though I give them a slight edge in better concealing their perfumed, self-serving hypocrisy.